Lethargic chick w/ closed eyes!


5 Years
May 16, 2018
Ok guys, I think I may be starting to see the effects of Marek's, or maybe it's something else entirely, but my sweet little brabanter is not doing too well. She won't open her eyes, and they don't seem red or swollen, she's lethargic and has some pretty nasty feathers on her back. There is no discharge around her eyes either. She's fairly tiny compared to the rest of the flock, so I've separated her and an abnormally small cochin so I can give them a little extra TLC without the big guys walking all over them. She isn't entirely motionless, but her energy levels just keep getting lower and lower. I'm going for some electrolytes in the morning, and maybe some probiotics. Anything else I can do, until tomorrow and after?
TIA for the help!

Have you noticed her sneezing?
It may just be the photo, but it looks like she has mucous in her nostril and a few crusties around the eye.
How old is she?
What does her poop look like?
You mention Marek's. Does your flock or property have a history of Marek's?
Can you open the eye and take a look for any pus or discharge - if there is any, then flush with saline. Get some Terramycin or Vetericyn eye gel at the feed store tomorrow.
She may have a respiratory illness but getting a good look at the poop is a good idea.

I would get some Poultry Nutri-Drench and give her a direct dose of that once a day.
Try to keep her hydrated for the night. What do you feed?

I don't see any nasty feathers on the back, I see pin feathers coming in. They are still in the sheath which can look a bit odd, but as they grow, they will unfurl.

She is probably around 5 weeks old give or take few days. My property does have a history of Marek's, which is why i mention it. They were at a different property up until about 2 weeks ago to build up some strength, but Marek's is a special kind of monster. My thought was coccidiosis, too after the Marek's. There isn't any discoloration in her poop, but it is runnier than I'd like. I brought into the house to get a better look at her eyes and the good girl pooped for me, right on the couch, too. For they eyes, I think it might be the picture. I had used a wet cloth to try to pry it open before that. When I did, I didn't really notice anything out of the ordinary. I think I heard her sneeze once or twice, but no wheezing. I feed a medicated chick starter, not sure of brand it's just something my local feed store carries.

First thing in the morning I am off to get her some goodies!
New thought: clostridium perfringens?
I'll try to get a pic of poop tomorrow, but to me that's what it resembled the most. Seedy and watery. I couldn't quite understand how to describe it so I looked at a poop chart(who knew?) Just not certain of the other symptoms of clostridium perfringens.
She is probably around 5 weeks old give or take few days. My property does have a history of Marek's, which is why i mention it. They were at a different property up until about 2 weeks ago to build up some strength, but Marek's is a special kind of monster. My thought was coccidiosis, too after the Marek's. There isn't any discoloration in her poop, but it is runnier than I'd like. I brought into the house to get a better look at her eyes and the good girl pooped for me, right on the couch, too. For they eyes, I think it might be the picture. I had used a wet cloth to try to pry it open before that. When I did, I didn't really notice anything out of the ordinary. I think I heard her sneeze once or twice, but no wheezing. I feed a medicated chick starter, not sure of brand it's just something my local feed store carries.

First thing in the morning I am off to get her some goodies!

New thought: clostridium perfringens?
I'll try to get a pic of poop tomorrow, but to me that's what it resembled the most. Seedy and watery. I couldn't quite understand how to describe it so I looked at a poop chart(who knew?) Just not certain of the other symptoms of clostridium perfringens.
It's always possible that she has a bacterial infection, getting a gram stain by your vet is the best way to find out.
I would lean more toward Coccidiosis. Pick up some Corid and begin treatment.
Dosage is 1 1/2 teaspoons Corid powder or 2 teaspoons of 9.6% Corid liquid per gallon of water. Give for 5-7 days - make sure this is the ONLY water available during that time period.

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