Lethargic duckling with neck contracted against body

I know your doing all you can. I wonder what causing the muscle contractions? Did the vet have any idea?

Unless it’s from the nerve being pinched I’m not sure...if she doesn’t show improvement later in the week I’m going to take her back...but I figured I better give the steroids some time to work.
I can tell ya if you’ve ever had a pinched nerve it’s very painful. Hopefully the steroids will help they sure did help me.

Oh yes I’ve been there done that. When you try to sit her up on her feet she really spasms...so it’s difficult to get her to lay on her belly..it definitely takes time and patience.
Bless her heart. Hopefully this will be the day to start seeing improvement!

None yet...she fought me tooth and nail last night to get fed...but she still won’t eat on her own. She has an appointment with a specialist on Thursday...we’ll see if he thinks she’ll come around or if we’ll have to put her down.
Did you try wrapping her in a towel to keep her still? You could tape with vet wrap or duck tape to keep the towel around her.

Yea i tried keeping her wrapped....the muscle contractions are just so strong...and she was fighting the feeding tube itself...kept biting and snapping...you’d think if she didn’t want the tube that much she’d eat...but no luck there either.

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