Lethargic Hen Still Not Recovering


Free Ranging
6 Years
Sep 18, 2015
So this is day 5, and she isn’t getting any better. But she’s not really getting any worse either. When I looked over her symptoms, I immediately started treating my whole flock with 2 tsp of Corid per gallon (especially since I’ve been bringing home new hatchery chicks). I was almost 100% sure she was suffering from coccidiosis when I had just lost a 2-week old chick that became lathargic, struggling for air, making a squeaking noise, and it died very suddenly when it seemed healthy all along. And I had also lost several small day-olds despite all the vitamins/egg yokes I gave them.
The rest of my flock and babies seem perfectly healthy. For the most part, I know how to look for certain symptoms, but this hen has me scratching my head. It’s not sour crop (no bad smell like I’ve experienced before), her crop isn’t impacted and she isn’t egg-bound as far as I can tell. She’s still able to pass droppings, which are pretty solid still with no blood or worms that I can see. No respiratory issues (coughing, sneezing, drainage, or difficulty breathing). She’s still eating and drinking a little, and she hasn’t lost a “ton” of weight, but she can’t walk. She just falls over on her side and stays hunched up in one spot. She seems bright eyed with some color in her face though.
I’ve even been syringing her the Corid water (refreshed daily) at least twice a day to make sure it gets down her. Still no improvement.
I can’t think of anything else. No injuries, no weird food we’ve given her, and she’s been in the coop for the most part. But I currently have her separated from the flock, and she has access to the Corid water and chick crumbles.

Any thoughts, or suggestions for something I should just try before resorting to a vet? I thought of maybe just worming her... Oh, and she’s just over 6 months old.
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Worm her with either Valbazen or Safeguard. Stop the corid prior to worming.
I do have the liquid Safeguard on hand. The thing is, I would have to worm the whole flock and I’m concerned about the 6-week-old chicks, ducklings, and geese. I just put them out in a smell pen that’s within my main coop. It would be harder to individually dose smaller birds, so maybe putting it in their water might work... But I also have some younger babies that are in the brooder inside, and they would be going out on the same soil as soon as they’re old enough...
@dawg53, if I did 3cc of liquid Safeguard per gallon, how many days should I provide it, and should I repeat again in 2 weeks? In the past, I’ve only dosed my flock individually (1/4-1/2cc per bird and repeat in 2 weeks), but it takes a long time for as many birds as I have, and plus I have the 6-week-olds sharing the same space... dosing them individually would be more difficult.

I would just give it straight to the sick girl though. I was wondering if I should maybe just do a trial run with her and see if it helps. If so, just go ahead and treat the flock. So far, none of the others seem affected. But I know that can change...
3cc Safeguard liquid goat wormer per gallon of water doesnt work, it doesnt mix well settles to the bottom, ineffective. That's old information.
Gotcha. So Valbazen? I guess I need something that can go in their water since I have babies... if so, how much per gallon, how long, and should treatment be repeated 2 weeks later?
Thanks so much for the info. :)

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