Lethargic hen with diarrhea leaving white residue in butt feathers

What are you treating them with?
What did you get to treat the E. Coli?

I am not trying to be condescending here - you mentioned in Post#13 that it was Coccidia. I do understand the report shows a Coccidia load, but unless I am missing something the report shows a "heavy" growth of E. Coli . E. Coli and Coccidia are 2 separate things (one is bacterial, the other is a protozoa). Personally I would treat for both, consulting your vet for the appropriate medications is always best.

Ecoli are common in all feces. Without specific serotyping of the strain, it is impossible to tell if it is infectious or normal flora. Additionally 90% of E coli isolates are resistant to tetracycline. Essentially, based upon what I know, there is not much that can be done. If someone has another idea I am open to it. I am going to add probiotics to their water along with the corid. Maybe I can push the ecoli down with other bacteria. I am also switching them to medicated feed for the time being.

Again, if anyone has another idea, I am all ears.
That sitting position with open mouth breathing does not look good. Is she showing any other signs or respiratory distress or am I reading that wrong and she is just mid chatter with that open beak?

The photo is from months ago. We took them to a photographer for a formal portrait. She was scared and sat down. The photographer just caught her with her beak open and we thought it was cute.
Ecoli are common in all feces. Without specific serotyping of the strain, it is impossible to tell if it is infectious or normal flora. Additionally 90% of E coli isolates are resistant to tetracycline. Essentially, based upon what I know, there is not much that can be done. If someone has another idea I am open to it. I am going to add probiotics to their water along with the corid. Maybe I can push the ecoli down with other bacteria. I am also switching them to medicated feed for the time being.

Again, if anyone has another idea, I am all ears.
I do agree with you in treating for Coccidiosis.
It can be common for one thing like Coccidia overload to accompany a bacterial infection.

It's very much up to you whether to treat for E. Coli or not. Since your report indicated a heavy growth, you may want to at least consult your vet for additional reading of the report and follow their recommendation.

E. Coli does live naturally in the intestines of chickens (animals and people). When E. Coli is ingested, then that becomes a problem. This is when we see both people and animals become ill. Chickens scratch in dirt where they poop, they pick up things with their beak. Fecal matter can be easily transferred to food/water sources when they eat/drink.

If your hen was acting normal, then I would not worry about an overload of Coccidia or E. Coli, but with all your rain, the standing water, the symptoms you describe (along with the mention that the other hen had presented with similar symptoms) and getting a report back - I would still treat for both.

I do recommend you consult your vet for medications if at all possible, they will give you what you need. I agree that Tetracycline is not going to treat E. Coli. You would want an antibiotic like Baytril.
I would probably call and ask to speak with the pathologist and see if they have any thoughts on the severity of the infections and any suggestions for treatment.
When I call the Mizzou vet school I either get right through to the avian pathologist or he'll call me back in short order.
As for a probiotic, I think it is an excellent idea and the best product I've found is Gro2Max. It is a blend of bacteria and yeasts formulated specifically for chickens and can be mixed with feed or water. The latter is preferable. I add a couple drops of aquarium de-chlorinator to my city water before I add the Gro2Max powder.
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Patsy and Lilly seem to be doing well. No more lethargy and poops are normal looking. Although you talk about bad timing, Patsy has started her annual molt now. Poor girl. Lilly won't be far behind.

I forgot the most important part, please forgive me, thank you all for your help and support.
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