Lethargy in the heat...


Apr 4, 2019
Lyons, MI
I have four hens....17ish weeks old. One started laying last weekend. It has been very warm the past couple days. I got home today and it was 91 degrees with a heat index of 101. I noticed one of my hens (the one who started layihng) was not keeping up with the flock and acting very lethargic. The three are off in the pine trees and she is under the stairs of my deck. I've tried giving them cold water melon, and the three eat it, but the lethargic hen is not. she's eating a little ebit of grass but that seems to be it. Tried ice cubes, and I keep their water cold and fresh. I haven't seen her drink.

What can I do?
My girls don't handle the heat very well and we get a little warm here (today was 102F!). When it starts getting warm, I put a fan in their coop to promote more airflow, freeze some canned corn and watermelon rinds for them to munch on and put large ice chunks in their water. Since it seems your girl is a little overwhelmed by this, I would bring her in the house for a little bit. I would also suggest dunking her beak in water and gently "forcing" her to drink. Keep us updated!
I don't know if the major temperaturs fluctuations would be good for her. What breed are your hens? Some chickens are more heat tolerate than others. Do your best to keep ice in their water. Try having a fan blowing on them. Place a shallow tray of water out and see if they'll stand in it.
I went into town and got a fan to put in the coop. I brought her inside and she just stood there and then walked around my kitchen clucking lol. I had her inside for 5 minutes or so and when put back out, she was still just moving around slowly, but staying with everyone. I have a big pan of water in the freezer right now for tomorrow.

I have an isa brown, a leghorn and two rhode island reds. One of the rir is the one being lethargic. I will see how she is in the morning. Fan in coop, cold water, sprayed the whole run area down and around the outside of the coop with cold water.

Thanks eveyrone
What are you feeding her?
If she is a new layer, she may have been having some troubles expelling an egg. Stress of the "newness" of laying and heat, she likely was not feeling too good.

I would make sure she's drinking well, she has access to oyster shell free choice and is eating her normal food. Hopefully she perks up and is o.k.
Good news! She seems like herself today. She ended up not laying again but it was very hot for the first half of the day. Storms and a cold front came through and she seems back to 100%.

Thanks for all the replies !

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