Lets count to a million

Actually it depends on the rules which are enforced by Staff and final interpretation which is also made by Staff. Thread starters or other members are not authorized to moderate.
That's our job.

This is a game thread. While technically posting a hundred time in a row is spamming and frankly very annoying it is not something the Staff is going to be enforcing too much here.
If you were doing it on a thread discussing a rare breed, that is another story.

So go ahead and post all you want here, just remember that being courteous and non-annoying will win you more friends than not.

If you have questions or an issue with someone posting the way you don't like, please don't call them out in public (that's rude). Use the report button or PM me. And by the way, using the report button is not an "OMG I am getting Someone In Trouble" button, it can be a "Hey look at this please because I am not sure if it's against the rules" button.

Those of you who are getting into someone else's business by dictating rules, are encouraged to edit their posts to remove such buttinsky-ness.

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