Let's plan a Quail egg hatch... set 'em Sept. 1, hatch 'em Sept 17-19+

Going pretty good, (btw, glad I mowed a couple day ago too!). I am working on another double decker brooder pen for the jumbo whites. I got the frame finished and the bottom for the poop tubs nailed down. This weather has held me back a couple of days. Oh, I think I will have some more eggs waiting at the PO for me tomorrow from JJ. more Sumos...LOL
I can hardly believe how much the jumbo whites have grown,it is amazing. To think I may be getting eggs from them in a couple of weeks or LESS is unbelievable..
I think I am going to have several roo in the whole bunch, so I will get to wrap some bacon around some of them
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I may have to clip one wing on these quail, little buggers sure can fly. I was taking pics today and one scooted out! Flew way across the yard, I darned near lost it. Thank goodness for the butterfly net.
I pinion every bird I intend to keep long term... As in breeders. It serves several purposes. First as you noted, chase'n them down ain't fun or easy if your a fat man!!! Second, It helps with the bonk'in to a extent... Now they can still get go'n and fly/hover a bit, but usually not far. It kinda takes the "want to" out of'em some... just a bit calmer if they know they can't fly... BTW, I don't pinion coturnix... After they get a month or six weeks old they tend to be chickenish in personality. I had a 5 week old get out yesterday, fly about 15', landed in the grass beside the chukar pen, turned around and literally ran back too me. I bent over and picked her up from between my feet. Never had to take a step. Bill
I've had coturnix escape a few times (once I forgot to close the cage
). I don't use a net or anything to catch them with, I just walk up to them and pick them up. Granted, there have been a few that were elusive, usually hiding under something where I can't reach them, but for the most part they are pretty easy to catch.
Mine usually do as others have mentioned . But the other day one got out & took off went about 25 yards. I thought to myself dang birds never flown that far in his life gotta be wore out. Sure enough walked over there & picked her up.
Well poo!

Had a egg burst last night, with 5 more seeping, so I tossed out all but the 12 button eggs (different shipper, none had a smell or got the splatter, they were on the other side of the brinsea). So down to 13ish cbbq eggs from 63. First time i've ever had an egg pop too.

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