Let's play a game...


Mar 23, 2022
5 weeks old tomorrow... roos or pullets? They're supposed to all be hens, and they'd darn well better be! For reference: there are 3 barred rocks, 3 easter Eggers, and 2 black australorps. I did my best trying to catch a decent bit of each one. What do you think? Do I have any roos? :confused:

One of the barred rocks looks to have a larger comb :) If possible I think individual face pics would be helpful.
Will try! Lol 😆 hard to hold birdies and camera. I'll have to see if I can get the husband to help. I read that barred rock pullets tend to have thicker black bands and barred rock roos tens to have thicker white bands. I noticed one of the three does appear to have thicker white bands making me suspicious. Not sure if it is the one you are referring to. Will have to look when I get home from work today.

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