lets put some eggs in the bator

Baby #1. His sibling has been sticking his beak out of the hole in the shell and sticking his tongue out for a few hours now. Not sure if I should be worried or not.

wow! congrats
looks like a fine bird u have there
Babies #2 and #3. Unfortunately baby #1 drowned in her water last night. I thought it was shallow enough but not so. :( But DBF rigged a container that allows them to drink without letting them get in the water.

baby #2

baby #3

new waterer
No problem. It's just a sour cream container with notches cut out of the top. When you put the lid on and flip it upside down, it not only lets them drink from the notches, it also fills up the lip created by the lid. DBF is so smart. :)

Good luck with your hatch!
marbles or aquarium rocks work well also just place them in a shallow dish and cover with water. this is especially good for "buttons", I use a mayo lid with a few stones in it and one lid for feed as well for a few weeks then switch over to a chick waterer and a deeper feeder. congrats on the new ones and have fun!

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