Let's share our chicken decor!

I absolutely love the colors. If you decide to auction, let me know..LOL. Has he been outside long? I have seen some similar ( but not as nice as yours) and wondered if the colors would hold up.
Thank you, everyone! I'm glad you like my shirts. The girls might not recognize me if they saw me dressed to walk out the front door instead of the back.
I know exactly what you mean. My cat doesn't recognize me unless I have on blue jeans and a tee..LOL. Thinking about having a cat eye chart test.

I thought my hens would notice my new red chicken shoes, but they ignored them…was kinda disappointed they were unimpressed. :)
It had been so long since I had on a dress and heels that when I walked down the hall in my heels, she came charging out of the living to confront the intruder. When she saw me in the dress she went into high prey drive! Made me glad she wasn't a BIG dog.
I absolutely love the colors. If you decide to auction, let me know..LOL. Has he been outside long? I have seen some similar ( but not as nice as yours) and wondered if the colors would hold up.
I know exactly what you mean. My cat doesn't recognize me unless I have on blue jeans and a tee..LOL. Thinking about having a cat eye chart test.

I thought my hens would notice my new red chicken shoes, but they ignored them…was kinda disappointed they were unimpressed. :)
He hasn't been outside since I've owned him,my friend who bought him for me went to that longest yard sale they have every year in Aug and got it there so we don't know his back ground but I'd say he's lived a pretty sheltered life lol
It had been so long since I had on a dress and heels that when I walked down the hall in my heels, she came charging out of the living to confront the intruder. When she saw me in the dress she went into high prey drive! Made me glad she wasn't a BIG dog.
That could have been a scary situation!

It's been so long since I've worn a dress, I'd probably scare myself in a mirror, lol.

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