Let's start something

Not too long ago I read the book "The Way We Eat: Why Our Food Choices Matter", by Peter Singer and Jim Mason. It describes what companies can get away with doing to chickens and still call them "free range." It certainly wasn't the same free ranging my hens enjoy in my backyard! I am not a vegetarian, but I try to make food choices that are more humane now.
Nothing from stores is healthy nowdays :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
I'm new to this, so maybe I got carried away with the notion of free range chickens. But here are some picks of my free range chickens and chicks.

Thats the one that sneezes catchin shade beneath a banana plant

My largest rooster and hen possibly discussing flock politics

My chickys (no clue how old) cleaning the bugs out of an old garbage heap we dug up

Eating weeds, eating bugs, my birdies love helping with the yard work.

Thats the meaning I applied to the term free range. Some times i have to shoo them out of the car port, but otherwise they have "free range" over the land.

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