Lets talk about goats!

I know after my nannies kidded (4th or 5th set for each of them, so not new moms) I was running around like a psycho for the next couple of hours freaking out thinking I forgot something, worrying about them eating and the cold and blah blah blah, and they were just laying there all snuggled up like "what is this crazy lady gettin all worked up about?" :lau They kidded in the dead of winter and even with warm hay, a heater, blankets, etc. I was totally convince thy were going to freeze to death :th:lau:oops:
I know after my nannies kidded (4th or 5th set for each of them, so not new moms) I was running around like a psycho for the next couple of hours freaking out thinking I forgot something, worrying about them eating and the cold and blah blah blah, and they were just laying there all snuggled up like "what is this crazy lady gettin all worked up about?" :lau They kidded in the dead of winter and even with warm hay, a heater, blankets, etc. I was totally convince thy were going to freeze to death :th:lau:oops:
....After 10 years of it..I still do too..:lau
And of course there's the cleanup... Depending on what time it is there, we may not hear back till tomorrow.:lau
She had two boys! The second one was a little bigger and his head was backwards so I had to pull him. Took a little bit for mom to get her energy back and start letting them try to nurse. The first little boy is hilarious, he just stood there with his face in her udder lol. I made sure they both had some colostrum in them and that mom had some bread soaked with molasses water because she would not drink it. I'm leaving them a lone now because the first one already likes me more than mom lol

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