Lets talk about goats!

Newsflash! The contractor is starting my 20x12 goat shed very soon! Once it is done, i can get goats! :celebrate :wee:love :clap:bun:highfive: :woot
Awesome!!! I'm so happy for ya! :celebrate

Mine used to wait until i went to bed. Some nights i spent in the barn!
Yep:lau and tell her she's on her own tomorrow night, then she breaths different and you'll sit all night again...:lau
Aaaaahhh!!! They're precious!!!
:love I bet they smell amazing too. New baby anything has the best smell.
Nice work getting that second one unstuck! :celebrate
I thought it was breech because when I went in I thought I felt a butt there was no room so I started pulling wilhile she was pushing and then when it started coming out I saw the head was backwards and I thought I hurt it but all is good!
I thought it was breech because when I went in I thought I felt a butt there was no room so I started pulling wilhile she was pushing and then when it started coming out I saw the head was backwards and I thought I hurt it but all is good!
oh good grief! What stress!

:hugs glad it all worked out. Sure is nice kidding when it is warm.

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