Lets talk about goats!

I wouldn't keep a buck alone... even with full view through a fence. Goats are very very much herd animals, and although they share a fence, they won't be together. He will get lonely, won't have anyone to sleep with etc. He will be loud and annoying almost guaranteed, lol. Not to mention the fact that unless you have a fort knox type fence, they can breed through the fence! SO, moral of the story, if you want to keep your own buck, get him a wether companion to keep fenced with him, and keep him fenced separate from your girls.
Personally,I'd just get stud service. Even if he's separate from the doe, he can taint the milk with his scent.

The milk being tainted with his scent isn't a problem. Dealing with a buck is. When I had my dairy I would on occasion run a buck with the does and he didn't affect the milk flavor at all. A lot of dairies do the same. The only way I can think of that a buck would affect the flavor of the milk is if you handle him and then milk a doe without washing your hands first. That said, if you have just a few does, having a buck just isn't worth it.
She would choose travelling over goats?
If I got goats I'd skip almost anything!
But that's just me, lol
Well, we live in a small town in Deep East Texas, and she loves to travel. Anywhere! She really loves it when I got to New York, Chicago or LA, but will happily tag along to San Antonio, New Orleans or pretty much anywhere else. And no, for her goats are not a good reason to skip a trip!

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