Lets talk about goats!

so cute!! do you cut the hair for making yarn? I know they do for sheep never heard of goats making yarn.

We certainly do . Angora and mohair are highly prized .
This is before shearing.
There are two main types of fiber goats, angora ( what the above guy is, produce mohair and are sheared twice a year) and cashmere (which the fiber comes from their soft undercoat and is collected, nor sheared off). Both can be used in yarn.
that's really neat are they one of the meaner goats or are they on the friendly side and do your milk them.

Angora are timid goats. They are nothing like the obnoxious but loveable boar.
They are also high maintanence , compared to other breeds. This is ' wombles ' I nursed her back from bloat and she is now very tame. Loves to have her face scratched but only by me.
Angora are timid goats. They are nothing like the obnoxious but loveable boar.
They are also high maintanence , compared to other breeds. This is ' wombles ' I nursed her back from bloat and she is now very tame. Loves to have her face scratched but only by me.
that is great. Very nice looking goats. :)
Angora are timid goats. They are nothing like the obnoxious but loveable boar.
They are also high maintanence , compared to other breeds. This is ' wombles ' I nursed her back from bloat and she is now very tame. Loves to have her face scratched but only by me.
Wow she is beautiful and feminine looking. Her horns are awesome too!!! Reminds me of a very pretty goat crossed with a fluffy poodle.
I am very late weaning mine. They are almost 6 months old and I finally made udder bras for my does because I can not seperate them with my set up but I think most people wean anywhere from 3-4 months. Congrats on the new cutie!!!

Also if you are going to milk your doe you can begin separating the kid over night at 2 weeks and milking in the morning and leaving baby with your doe all day.
Thank you!
Our goats hang with the chickens some but we remove any feeders first. Our bantam rooster spars with our Boer goats. Its pretty funny. We also let the chickens in the goat yard on occassion to scratch the dirt and eat fly larvae.
Weaning is usually done around three months but my kid is only working on two months and his momma is trying to cut him off.

that's really neat are they one of the meaner goats or are they on the friendly side and do your milk them.

Angora are timid goats. They are nothing like the obnoxious but loveable boar.
They are also high maintanence , compared to other breeds. This is ' wombles ' I nursed her back from bloat and she is now very tame. Loves to have her face scratched but only by me.

Our Boer female was very timid as well until she had a baby. Then she became all sass and vinegar. She's still not mean or aggressive in any way, just more assertive than she was. Our alpine doe is quite the character on the other hand. Sweet sweet goat with personality just dripping from her. We want an anhora though after playing with one at the goat research station that was so friendly.

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