Lets talk about goats!

Yes, I am breeding.

I'm confused. If your breeding then why are you asking if you should neuter him? I have had 300 lb bucks be perfect gentlemen. Don't let them jump, don't grab and shake their horns cause that makes them head butt, and dont let them be pushy with food. Train them to lead and he should remain a good boy. At 3 months old he can breed so I would separate him til you either wether him or breed him.
I was just wondering if it was better to breed them or neuter them. But yes we are breeding them. Is their a way to make them gentle so they're not nasty when they are older?
Well, I always say the only reason to keep a buck is for breeding. If you are breeding and you want to use this guy, why is castration even a question? Of course, you will need a better setup than a male and female in a single pen. The bucks need their own buck pens separate from the herd of females. What breeders typically do is keep the males separate from the females, and then run them together during breeding season until the girls are all bred. Then back to the buck pens they go. Some people keep 2 bucks together or a buck and a wether so they aren't as lonely. Of course people do keep them by themselves, but they'll be miserable.

He'll butt people with out without horns. The horns will just make it more painful.
I don't want to dehorn him. Will he butt people?
it's a possibility, it's much safer if you have children near him and her to disbud them. However you don't have to. I choose to because I read a story where someone picked up the horned goat and the goat threw his head back and barely missed the guys eye with his horn.
Yes, I am breeding.

Well if you're planning on breeding him you won't castrate him...............

You will have to keep him separate from the female either way because she is way way way too young to breed and male goats are fertile as early as 7 weeks. Which means each goat will be alone which is bad for their mental health because they are not solitary animals.

You need to read a thorough book on raising goats to get all the information you really need.

Please do not put that buckling in with that baby doeling. He will hurt her even if unintentionally.
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