Lets talk about our current broodies :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Broody Lola hatched all 6 eggs yesterday!!!!! I can't believe they all hatched and she is such a good mama, showing them where to eat and drink already! She doesn't mind if we pick up the babies either!
I can see how this might be addicting!!!!!!
I have 1 duck and 3 hens that went broody the same week. I checked and we have a FIFTH broody. In the same nest box. Moving them is futile and last time I tried I just ended up with them fighting over eggs so bad they broke a bunch.

There's duck eggs there a week from hatching and ALL the broodies are sharing them between them.... will chicken #5 get off with the rest or will she remain once those ducklings hatch?

My husband wants to put her in the pen with the roo' to unbroody her (we only have one run for breaking broody and we've been fattening roos in it).... lol I definitely don't want to incubate those - Americauna and Sexlink?

Anyway, yeah... back to the first question... will #5 get off in a week or stay? What's the usual? (ha, usual...)
Im confussed, (are you asking if the others hatch their eggs, Will #5 stop brooding, because of the "already hatched babies" ) If thats the question, Im going with Yes she most likely will stop, I say that because I read somewhere on a thread of someone haveing 2 broodies and the one hatched her eggs, So the other broody, went to "investigate" and saw the chicks and, She abanned her egs, and tried to invade in on the other broodies. So I would say "yes".

Anyway If your planning on letting her brood. I would seperate her somewhere else so she cant hear the baby ducks or anything,

hope this helps good luck
Well, my silkie was on day 7. I didn't know if the eggs were fertile because I took out the roosters a couple weeks ago to get ready for breeding season. I candled and nothing....poor girl. I threw the eggs out and she is still trying to set on nothing! She comes out everyday and eats, drinks and runs around for a little bit, then back to setting on pine shavings. She just sits there, no eggs at all.....
WOW lola seems like a professonal, What breed is she?

She must be since this was my first time being a chicken gramma!
She is an older (5+ years) Old English Bantam. The person I got her from said she was a good mama, that is why I begged to take her home with me :) I just hope the 6 full size chicks don't get too big to fit under her or I might get some great pictures

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