Lets talk about our current broodies :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so cute

Well I left my buff orpington sit for 3 weeks on nothing and then another silkie cross went broody as well so a "friend" gave me 10 eggs (I told her I only wanted 4,but her chicken math kicked in). Today is day 9 and I candled them tonight and 7 are developing I am not sure how I feel I really want fuzzy butts but no roosters.This is the first time I will have hatched eggs only got chickens in September and have had 3 broodys already.Well I suppose roll on 7th Feb !!!!!!!!!!
Well I left my buff orpington sit for 3 weeks on nothing and then another silkie cross went broody as well so a "friend" gave me 10 eggs (I told her I only wanted 4,but her chicken math kicked in). Today is day 9 and I candled them tonight and 7 are developing I am not sure how I feel I really want fuzzy butts but no roosters.This is the first time I will have hatched eggs only got chickens in September and have had 3 broodys already.Well I suppose roll on 7th Feb !!!!!!!!!

Hey! We are hatch date twins! Come on lucky #7

Sweet, make sure to post how everything turns out guys

Cheer up sandracollins fuzzy butts will melt your heart! and hatching is addictive
If you get a roo, Give it away haaaahha

this is Fluff, my grey silkie. She's sitting on 6 mail-order silkie eggs (day 6!) and 2 unidentified wild bird eggs my dad found up the paddock and mum wanted to hatch them (they'll be taken stright off her once they're born) I've candled them all, i think all of the mail order eggs are developing at this stage (i'm so impatient, had to see if the wild eggs were alive and couldn't resist doing hers too) and at least 1 of the wild eggs is taking up all the room in it's egg!

She's so good about it. All she does when i go in there, pick her up, plonk her in the straw besides her nest is fluff her feathers up a bit and made a truely pathetic, almost pleasding, clucky noise. Not one ounce of agression in the gorgeous girl! fingers crossed about these babies!

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