Let's talk Golden Cuckoo Marans!

Hi Morbius long time no hear from you I thought you left the country . nice to hear from you

shame about your old rooster is very far away from me .he will through nice GCM if mated to a BCM hens .his spear need to be cut .

what are you going to do with your dried chooks skin ?

eating them is good my friend but keeping a dried skin I don t know about that . I m curious

how is your GCM  going ? mine are growing nice I m interested to work with a cockerel 2 of them are french type .I ll put some photos when I have time .need a new photos .

Chooks man

I'm still in the country. Spring is a very busy time for me. I have a large garden, lots of chickens and horses.

The old rooster is the one carrying the recessive white, unfortunately. I have to trim his spurs every 4-8 weeks. He's the one that I mated to my BCM hens to start a new line. He's a good bird, my wife likes him, so no stew pot for him.

I used to tie fishing flies, so I learned to tan the hides of animals to use. We are decorating our den in the house with my hunting trophies and old horse/barn stuff. The rooster skins will fit in with my turkey skins.

This is the bathroom attached to the den, which I'm redoing. I built the vanity for the sink from old barn wood. I'll be placing one skin on the wall here, as it looks like a barn/cabin wall.

My GCM are developing nicely. The youngest batch with the double barred one are getting larger as well.

I've got a 3 small batches coming up, with 8 or so nice hens. Only got 1 double barred though. I've got another 15 in the incubator after removing quitters and infertiles at 1 week.

I've got quite a bit going on. I'm working on getting rid of birds not directly related to my GCM breeding program.
by your sink and the cabinet too .rustic still . Bravo.

your GCM chicks look gorgeous . chunky head the way it should be . double barred . you are really moving forward with your breeding program with this young progeny you hatched this year.

Chooks man
Very nice my friend. nice golden hackles on the hen s . nice long back ,pretty small well pointed end tail .good type ,nice shanks fathering . I like then a lot even the crosses.
the rooster have a stuning colour need more on the shoulder ,does his tail is high or just the way he stand. he s stunding tall . need a litle width at the shoulder.
I think between him and the hen s in his pen are going to give you a lot good chicks . you are on the top of your game .

I ll no worry so much about the recessive white could be breed out with some test mating next generation .they are a good type chooks so what ever come out of them is going to be good.

Chooks man
Does the recessive white effect their plumage or their egg color? I am not sure what it means...

It's a hidden white gene. If one copy is present, you cannot see it. If two are present, the bird will be white. They are genetically golden cuckoos, the recessive white just masks it.

If you mate this white bird to a golden cuckoo, all offspring will be golden cuckoos, just carriers of it with only 1 recessive white gene.

If you mate two of these white birds, all the offspring will be white with two copies of the recessive white genes. Their genotype (genes) are golden cuckoo, their phenotype (looks) are white marans.
Very nice my friend. nice golden hackles on the hen s . nice long back ,pretty small well pointed end tail .good type ,nice shanks fathering . I like then a lot even the crosses.
the rooster have a stuning colour need more on the shoulder ,does his tail is high or just the way he stand. he s stunding tall . need a litle width at the shoulder.
I think between him and the hen s in his pen are going to give you a lot good chicks . you are on the top of your game .

I ll no worry so much about the recessive white could be breed out with some test mating next generation .they are a good type chooks so what ever come out of them is going to be good.

Chooks man

The rooster is on the "alert" whenever I come to their pen, and stands tall. He has a normal posture when I'm not close, but I can only get pics by being close. His tail is a little high though.
He's still young too, not a year old yet.
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Recessive white what that mean ? good question.
there is 2 type of white gene to make a chooks look white.
1) Dominant White ; symbol I when present and i+ when absent.
2 Recessive White ; Symbol c when present and C+ when absent

Dominant White ; for the chook to look white need only one gene I Because is dominant gene will turn the black feather into white has no affect on Gold and is leaky mean few black feathers on the body could be found. only few chooks breed carry this gene .

Recessive White ; that mean for the chook to look white need 2 set of the gene c/c because 1 is not enough that why it called recessive. you can no see t if is only 1 dose .you need 2 gene. this gene produce better white but is leaky to some Gold /brown feathers on the body could be found.
a lot of white chooks breed are recessive White.
No the recessive white does not effect the egg colour or the production.

Hope that help

chooks man
Yeah I could see he looked like his up to some thing. well protective .
I m impressed my friend .a good work you done there. good type too especially the golden hackle . is so hard to have on the hens Er based .

looking forward to see they progeny .the eggs first

Chooks man

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