Let's talk Golden Cuckoo Marans!

My olive eggers are looking nice as well. Single barred with a pea comb:

absolutely stunning my friend you have done a excellent job

I lost my oldest GCM trio chicks but I have a 3 cockerel 12 weeks old and a pullet.
2 of this cockerel are French type feathered shank so hope they ll make t .than I can mate them to my BCM . I ll still get a single barred but better type and a proper one ER based GCM

your bird have a gorgeous eyes

Backyardchicks you have gorgeous girl GCM nice eggs too solid 4/5 that is pretty good.good type .long body and back pretty eyes .nice close tail not too high
other thing your hen are GCM e+ based from the wildtype family that why they wheren t black at hatch more of golden with stripes .
if you mate them to a good BCM coq you will get a proper type ER ( that for a French standard .I don t know nothing about the American standard) GCM nice black body with a cuckoo pattern and nice Golden Hackle.

Morbius18 have a proper type look at his chicks they hatch black with a white dot on they head. same like a BCM chicks they hatch black

Cheers Chooks man
I am also following the other cuckoo thread, but have a general cuckoo question, I have a rooster that shows some brassiness in his hackle after going through moult. Does that make him a golden cuckoo? And all my girls, but one, look like the hen picture from Henthymes, but they show no gold around the neck. Just trying to figure out where I have and where I go next. Here he is, I had posted him on the other marans thread. You can also see some of the hens. Please be honest and thanks for the patience with uneducated questions!


I see your hen here has been picked at a bit, I would assume from breeding, have you thought about giving her a chicken saddle like this:

They are easy to put on and it helps them quickly regrow their feathers. My girls loved them! They would allow me to put them on and take them off after the first time or two. Also it kept them warm in the evenings, dry when it rained, and I worried about sunburns when it wasn't raining. :)
absolutely stunning my friend you have done a excellent job

I lost my oldest GCM trio chicks but I have a 3 cockerel 12 weeks old and a pullet.
2 of this cockerel are French type feathered shank so hope they ll make t .than I can mate them to my BCM . I ll still get a single barred but better type and a proper one ER based GCM

your bird have a gorgeous eyes


I unfortunately discovered that my F0 rooster is carrying recessive white. I'm going to try to get a few whites out of this before attempting to remove it. That being said, I'm no longer using him for breeding. I had some whites pop up from my f1 pairing, so I know thst my F1 rooster and at least 1 of the hens carry it as well.

I had the olive egger roosters listed for sale locally, with no interest, so they will become dinner when I process my meat chickens.
Hi Morbius 18 the white recessive gene doesn t hurt the genome of any variety it is normal .

you have now a white variety.

with test mating the future breeders you will catch the one they don t carry the recessive gene.

Me i m trying to add the recessive white into the silver varieties .silver cuckoo and the Birchen. from there i ll breed a true recessive white chooks silver baesd. pure white no straws hues.

good luck with your work

chooks man
can u tell me about their personality? I found some at my pet chicken. thanx

Mine seem stand-offish. I didn't really hand raise them though. The rooster protects his hens and is very alert. His sons and daughters turned out the same way. They don't tolerate other roosters though, and will fight with much much bigger roosters. Mine got whipped by a large buff orpington rooster, But I kept the GCM and got rid of the buff.

I've had to trim the spurs on mine though. He has spurred 2 hens while mating, and they died as a result of infection.

I'm actually getting rid of my 3 year old rooster, as I no longer need him in my breeding program.

Here he is if anyone near east Tennessee wants him:
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I couldn't find anyone locally interested in the 3 golden cuckoo olive eggers, so I killed and ate 2 of them. I skinned and preserved them.


Hi Morbius long time no hear from you I thought you left the country . nice to hear from you

shame about your old rooster is very far away from me .he will through nice GCM if mated to a BCM hens .his spear need to be cut .

what are you going to do with your dried chooks skin ?

eating them is good my friend but keeping a dried skin I don t know about that . I m curious

how is your GCM going ? mine are growing nice I m interested to work with a cockerel 2 of them are french type .I ll put some photos when I have time .need a new photos .

Chooks man

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