Let's talk sex....


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 25, 2009
Port Angeles, Washington
I have 4 Toulouse geese. They are starting to lay eggs. We are new at this and I have no idea if I have any drakes. I have not seen them breeding. The guy I bought them from was not completely truthful.

If I post photo's of these birds, will you experienced folks be able to sex these geese? I don't care to photo them if this can't be done.

We have had them for about 6 months and were told that they were 6 months to a year when we bought them.

Thanks in advance.

I doubt you'd be able to tell sexes by a picture, toulouse are pretty similar visually. However, since they are there with you, you can tell by behavior. A gander (male goose) will be more 'forward', especially during breeding season. Usually the males have thicker necks and legs. Males are also usually louder, they have a more high-pitched honk. The females are not as loud and often make a kind of 'chattery' sound instead of a honk.
How many eggs are you getting? Most geese lay an egg every-other day, so that might help determine the number of females. You could also vent sex them, though it's harder to do on an adult with all the fluffy down on their bums
Geese and ganders can be distinguished usually by the differences in their bodies and in their voices, as well as their behaviour. Ganders (not drakes--that is a male duck) are larger, have longer, thicker necks and bigger heads, and tend to lead other geese around. They also tend towards more aggressive behaviour. They have louder, shriller voices (higher in pitch than the females) and, in my opinion, vocalize in different ways as well. They also tend to vocalize more. Females hold their necks lower, males often stretch them up to full height. Older females have larger, lower-hanging lobes (fat storage on their bellies) than the males. I think some experienced people might be able to give you an idea of their sex from a picture, but it's not a 100% guarantee. Also, from what I know, having water for them to swim in, even just a kiddie pool, encourages them to breed and also increases fertility. So I would look into that if you haven't already.

Edit: And I also agree that the number of eggs you're getting could be a clue.
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Thanks for your comments, but I just can't tell.

I still haven't seen them breeding. Perhaps I should leave some wine out there and pipe in music. ;>) The ducks are like rabbits! LOL

I am getting one goose egg every other day. We pulled the first two for ourselves.. we had never eaten goose eggs... found them very good! I had read that they aren't any good if fried, but I liked mine that way!

One egg was apparently crushed and we presently have 3 eggs in a single nest. So by this count, I think only one is laying. No one is sitting on the eggs yet, but I know they generally won't until they have more.

QUESTION: How long might a goose sit on unfertilized eggs before she decides to leave them??????????

Thanks for putting up with my stupid rookie questions.


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