Let's talk Wry Neck/Crook Neck

Separate and follow the guidlines in the beginning of the thread. If it's wry neck, it is treatable and there can be recovery, but you need to be serious about treating
and helping with feeding/watering if necessary. (I wrote about our experience- it the "It's Broken" post.)

Most vets don't treat chickens and won't have a clue. The treatment is all OTC stuff you can find at Walmart.

Good luck!

X's 2.
.You also need to be consistant and patient, it can take awhile [like weeks] for a recovery...
You continue therapy UNTIL normal again..... LOL


This baby was born about twelve hours ago. It was at night so I only say it for about five minutes but it seemed fine last night.
I woke up this morning to check him out and found him like this. Chirping away and seems happy..but it seems to have trouble walking and staying upright.
My first thought is that maybe mama hen slept on it while it was bent up beneath her, but Idk. While reading thru this thread I found a lot of advice for older birds but not newborns. I don't know what to do. Do I keep it with mama and siblings/eggs in the cage, or should I separate it?
so...I posted a week ago about my hen who was attacked...I would say from a large bird...has a hole in her back...which seems to be healing ok...She also seems to have what you have discussed here as wry neck. Her head hangs to the ground, she eats very little...can't feel anything in her crop. When I put her beak in water she drinks a few times then shakes her head and wipes her beak on the ground. Same thing IF I can get her to eat anything...one or two nibbles then the shaking and wiping. This has been going on for a week now...she stands there with her head down...looking at the food , cocking her head back and forth as chickens do...but eats very little. I am afraid she will starve to death. She was a very good layer.....
Also...is there a chance the stress from the attack has caused her to be egg bound ?? How do I do a proper check for this ??...any thoughts, ideas are welcome....
I went out to look at my chickens and one of my chickens neck was flopped over almost to the ground but her neck stuck up in the back a little and she can lift it up some and trying to eat. I don't no what to do can someone help.

so...I posted a week ago about my hen who was attacked...I would say from a large bird...has a hole in her back...which seems to be healing ok...She also seems to have what you have discussed here as wry neck. Her head hangs to the ground, she eats very little...can't feel anything in her crop. When I put her beak in water she drinks a few times then shakes her head and wipes her beak on the ground. Same thing IF I can get her to eat anything...one or two nibbles then the shaking and wiping. This has been going on for a week now...she stands there with her head down...looking at the food , cocking her head back and forth as chickens do...but eats very little. I am afraid she will starve to death. She was a very good layer.....
Also...is there a chance the stress from the attack has caused her to be egg bound ?? How do I do a proper check for this ??...any thoughts, ideas are welcome....
Give your chicken vitamins--especially Vitamin B1, E, and selenium. It is hard to find E with selenium, and selenium has to be given only in a low dose. This link has the vitamins and an add for Vit e with selenium. To check for an egg, you can put on a rubber glove and insert it 1 1/2 inches into the vent, and feel for one also by examining the lower abdomy with the other hand. To get the egg out, after giving a Tums, calcium tablet crushed up in some moist food, place her in a tub of very warm water to relax her muscles into releasing an egg. Probably though, she has quit laying due to the attack. Here is the link: http://oureggbasket.blogspot.com/2013/04/wry-neck-or-crook-neck-understanding-it.html
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I have a guinea that falls over sometimes, droops a wing, and sleeps with her head under her wing a lot. SHe doesn't stay with the others like she used to. THought it was cocci, and am treating for the past 3 days for that. Could this be wry neck in the guinea?
Hi, I have noticed that my blue Andalusian has a crooked neck. It bows to the left and tonight I caught her to check her out. Her neck is definitely bent. I don't' know if it was ever broken or what. She's a major flyer who knows if she got stuck flying or what. I also felt her gullet off to the left. First I thought whoa a huge goiter? Then the contents moved around a little like scratch would feel in a fabric bag so I am thinking that's just how she grew. She lays eggs, she has yet to be killed by a hawk or the owl that frequents my house. She may not be fit but she' a survivor. Do you cull this bird or let her live on since she's totally thriving.


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