Let's talk Wry Neck/Crook Neck

I have a 6 month sikie with wry neck. I have been taking care of her for 6 weeks with the vit e selenium and poly vi sol, how long should this take for her snap out of it and what kind of bedding should I be using? I have tried towels on the floor, and pine shavings, and wow what a mess they are.Im getting of tired of hosing off the towels and washing them. I love this little silkie and will do what it takes to help her survive. I took her to the vet on the first day when she couldnt walk and the vet didn't even know what to do
i have a 4 week old Orpington that is displaying some neuro behavior, running backwards with head between legs...it is one of three...all from the same breeder and on same food...if it is a vitamin deficiency or malabsorption, why aren't all affected...is this a genetic issue and should I cull??? It can eat and drink and has been on probiotics as well....
i have a 4 week old Orpington that is displaying some neuro behavior, running backwards with head between legs...it is one of three...all from the same breeder and on same food...if it is a vitamin deficiency or malabsorption, why aren't all affected...is this a genetic issue and should I cull??? It can eat and drink and has been on probiotics as well....
Since wry neck can be caused by a variety of reasons, vitamins are the treatment in case of a deficiency, which may have been in the parent stock.

I have a duckling with wry neck, been treating it for 3 days and I don't see much improvement. How long should I try to give it before putting it down?
That is strictly up to you, depending on how much time you have to devote to taking care of a sick duckling. Some cases improve if there is an injury or a vitamin deficiency, but some cases never improve. Many will treat for a couple of weeks, some less.
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That's exactly what my one chick is doing. She's some sort of mutt (not even sure who or what the parents are) that I hatched out, and was fine the first day. But day 2 came around, and she keeps throwing her head back and waving it back and forth. She sometimes falls over backwards, and will fall asleep with her neck resting on her back. But she's still eating and drinking fine. Now that I've read all of this, I'm going to start her on B-complex vitamins tonight, and go out and get some E and selenium first thing tomorrow. I'm eager to see what advise people have for us. /img/smilies/smile.png

I was just reading this on a university web page for chicken problems.. it was a vitamin deficiency not vimn b2 it was another one I hadnt heard of if I can find the link ill post http://www.thepoultrysite.com/publications/6/diseases-of-poultry/216/vitamin-bi-deficiency.
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My turkey's vet told me the EXACT same thing, so I won't even think about going that route. I may end up doing more harm than help.
IF prednisone is to reduce swelling couldnt ibuprofen be used instead?
dont know if this would help but i had a young pullet about 3 week old come down with this pretty bad. i started to put her down but decided to watch and see what happens. she had normal poop no blood or anything out of ordinary no runny eyes or nostrils i thought that perhaps she ate some poop that got in to the feed as it was hanging a little low. after raising feeder i begain giving her apple cider vinegar in water . after a couple days she started getting better. now maybe it just ran its course or maybe it helped i dont really know. i can say this she is 3 months old now and i cant even pick her out of the bunch she is as normal as the rest of her brood bunch.

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