Let's talk Wry Neck/Crook Neck

i looked up poultry cell found where i can get some ..is there a differance between poultry cell and rooster poultry cell or is that just the brand name?

Poultry Cell is easily obtainable on eBay or Amazon if you can't find it in your local feed or farm supply store like a Tractor Supply or Southern States. Which up north they call Agway but it's the same store essentially owned by the same company. No worries on the word Rooster Booster. The company name is Rooster Booster. Poultry Cell is the product name. All of their varied products say Rooster Booster on it since its the company name. Yes that is confusing.
Poultry Cell is easily obtainable on eBay or Amazon if you can't find it in your local feed or farm supply store like a Tractor Supply or Southern States. Which up north they call Agway but it's the same store essentially owned by the same company. No worries on the word Rooster Booster. The company name is Rooster Booster. Poultry Cell is the product name. All of their varied products say Rooster Booster on it since its the company name. Yes that is confusing.
i did find poultry cell at a tractor supply store i gave i to him for about 3 days and he seemed to get worse his head is completely down now and is having trouble eating or drinking and is wobble so i started feeding him yogurt and egg yokes yesterday he has been able to stand a bit longer without falling over now but when he get excited he cant stand up and falls down any suggestions i really dont want to lose the little guy?!
i did find poultry cell at a tractor supply store i gave i to him for about 3 days and he seemed to get worse his head is completely down now and is having trouble eating or drinking and is wobble so i started feeding him yogurt and egg yokes yesterday he has been able to stand a bit longer without falling over now but when he get excited he cant stand up and falls down any suggestions i really dont want to lose the little guy?!
Mine had that same problem. When she got excited she would run in circles and fall over.

You have to be persistent. Everywhere I have read online says they can even seem to take a step backwards a couple times on the way to getting better. For my little duckling after 2 weeks of getting nutrients every day I thought I was seeing some change. Now 3 weeks in I'm sure she is getting better as every once in a while it's hard to tell her from the rest. She will still hold her head sideways but not always. She will perk it up for a minute then it goes back sideways again. When starting out her head was never straight even for a second.

So you want to make absolutely sure that he is getting the nutrients. That he is drinking the water with the nutrients in it. It may be going in the beak and all falling right back out. You have to be sure its going down. If you have to manually put it down his throat, do what you have to do. I think mine was taking a while to take effect because with a sideways head it all just falls right back out the side before getting swallowed. So if you have to put a drop in the beak with a dropper than do it. That Poultry Cell mixes 2 tablespoons per gallon of water. So it wouldn't be more than a drop or two down the throat every day.

Another thing you can do is go to Lowes Home Improvement store and get a bag of sunflower hearts. Some places they call them hearts. Some places they call them cracked sunflower seeds, etc. But basically they are the seeds with no shell on the outside. Sunflower seeds are packed with Vitamin E and selenium. The two vitamins that a lack of cause this problem. I bought some of those seeds as well. I was giving my bird both the water with Poultry Cell in it as well as the sunflower seeds and some normal chick starter food. I would take the chick starter food out for a while only having the sunflower seeds in there so I was sure she would eat it.

Keep feeding the yolks. That seems to be having a good effect. But make sure you put a couple drops of the poultry cell in the yolks. I would put 3 drops mixed into 1 yolk if all of that yolk is getting eaten. Your bird getting these nutrients every day for a few weeks will work. Stay strong. I know how it's hard for you. This has been traumatic for me having to deal with because I really wanted my bird to live. And she has. She's doing great right now. But it took time and persistence. I was starting to lose hope because many people online say it in only 3 or 4 days their bird was better. Not mine it took 3 weeks. And she still isn't 100% but she's definitely at a point where I'm pretty sure she's going to survive now. And i have heard reports of up to a month and a half.

Add in some sunflower hearts. And keep in mind that these birds end up dropping a lot of what goes in their mouth right back out. Swallowing upside down or sideways isn't real easy for a bird. Stick with it and give us reports please.
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Mine had that same problem. When she got excited she would run in circles and fall over.

You have to be persistent. Everywhere I have read online says they can even seem to take a step backwards a couple times on the way to getting better. For my little duckling after 2 weeks of getting nutrients every day I thought I was seeing some change. Now 3 weeks in I'm sure she is getting better as every once in a while it's hard to tell her from the rest. She will still hold her head sideways but not always. She will perk it up for a minute then it goes back sideways again. When starting out her head was never straight even for a second.

So you want to make absolutely sure that he is getting the nutrients. That he is drinking the water with the nutrients in it. It may be going in the beak and all falling right back out. You have to be sure its going down. If you have to manually put it down his throat, do what you have to do. I think mine was taking a while to take effect because with a sideways head it all just falls right back out the side before getting swallowed. So if you have to put a drop in the beak with a dropper than do it. That Poultry Cell mixes 2 tablespoons per gallon of water. So it wouldn't be more than a drop or two down the throat every day.

Another thing you can do is go to Lowes Home Improvement store and get a bag of sunflower hearts. Some places they call them hearts. Some places they call them cracked sunflower seeds, etc. But basically they are the seeds with no shell on the outside. Sunflower seeds are packed with Vitamin E and selenium. The two vitamins that a lack of cause this problem. I bought some of those seeds as well. I was giving my bird both the water with Poultry Cell in it as well as the sunflower seeds and some normal chick starter food. I would take the chick starter food out for a while only having the sunflower seeds in there so I was sure she would eat it.

Keep feeding the yolks. That seems to be having a good effect. But make sure you put a couple drops of the poultry cell in the yolks. I would put 3 drops mixed into 1 yolk if all of that yolk is getting eaten. Your bird getting these nutrients every day for a few weeks will work. Stay strong. I know how it's hard for you. This has been traumatic for me having to deal with because I really wanted my bird to live. And she has. She's doing great right now.  But it took time and persistence. I was starting to lose hope because many people online say it in only 3 or 4 days their bird was better. Not mine it took 3 weeks. And she still isn't 100% but she's definitely at a point where I'm pretty sure she's going to survive now. And i have heard reports of up to a month and a half.

Add in some sunflower hearts. And keep in mind that these birds end up dropping a lot of what goes in their mouth right back out. Swallowing upside down or sideways isn't real easy for a bird. Stick with it and give us reports please.

Agree with Dirk 100%!
Keep going and don't stop treatment abruptly. Even if she seems cured I would continue for another week and then wean off instead of abruptly stopping. My little guy still gets a once weekly dose of vitamin E, selenium and vitamin B complex. I was unable to get a poultry product so used human supplements AND he was not able to drink on his own so it was safer and easier for me. Try providing chick grit soaked with vitamin water. It will be easier to swallow. I also found cucumber and watermelon helped to aid in his hydration. Like Dirk I was confused and discouraged when I read so many articles of people curing in just a few days...but you don't need to give up hope. My little guy had several relapses (some severe) which is why I still give him a weekly dose and he is a year and 2 months old. Hasn't had a relapse now in months but when he gets scared or excited his head flops sideways and he spins in circles. I think he will always do that. Good luck!
Agree with Dirk 100%!
Keep going and don't stop treatment abruptly. Even if she seems cured I would continue for another week and then wean off instead of abruptly stopping. My little guy still gets a once weekly dose of vitamin E, selenium and vitamin B complex. I was unable to get a poultry product so used human supplements AND he was not able to drink on his own so it was safer and easier for me. Try providing chick grit soaked with vitamin water. It will be easier to swallow. I also found cucumber and watermelon helped to aid in his hydration. Like Dirk I was confused and discouraged when I read so many articles of people curing in just a few days...but you don't need to give up hope. My little guy had several relapses (some severe) which is why I still give him a weekly dose and he is a year and 2 months old. Hasn't had a relapse now in months but when he gets scared or excited his head flops sideways and he spins in circles. I think he will always do that. Good luck!
thank you both this is great encouragement i to have seen where others was all better in just a few days ,im definetly not giving up he has been this way since he hatched about 1 month ago im still fighting for him, i put him back on the poultry cell with eggs and some yogurt mixed in started adding chick starter to it he chows down i wrap a towel around him when i feed him since he cant do it by his self right now and hold his head as straight as i can while he eats. i have been feeding him 4 times a day and offering him water he doesnt drink much so i have been putting water on his food so can get it that way also i have been putting 1 ml of poultry cell in his foo once a day is that to much! right now he is going a little backwards falling over again, this morning he was standing head still down but standing, i was excited to see that ! i will surley keep you posted and tommorow get some sunflower seeds for him im sure he will love that !
Any progress is good!
My little guy also hatched unable to stand with wry neck. To be honest it took 3 months before he was symptom free. Then everytime I stopped his meds he relapsed. I usually found mornings were his best time. Evenings were bad and his head would be upside down again. I started forcing afternoon naps in a dark spot and it seemed to help. Keep up the great work...I know it's frustrating at times but if you can get her over the hump it's so rewarding.
thank you both this is great encouragement i to have seen where others was all better in just a few days ,im definetly not giving up he has been this way since he hatched about 1 month ago im still fighting for him, i put him back on the poultry cell with eggs and some yogurt mixed in started adding chick starter to it he chows down i wrap a towel around him when i feed him since he cant do it by his self right now and hold his head as straight as i can while he eats. i have been feeding him 4 times a day and offering him water he doesnt drink much so i have been putting water on his food so can get it that way also i have been putting 1 ml of poultry cell in his foo once a day is that to much! right now he is going a little backwards falling over again, this morning he was standing head still down but standing, i was excited to see that ! i will surley keep you posted and tommorow get some sunflower seeds for him im sure he will love that !

In a self centered world that has ever increasing lack of care for people and animals, I congratulate each and every person who has come to this thread to try to do what they can to save their bird. Most people out there think people that anyone who would go to these lengths to care for their bird are crazy. As they would just cull the bird and move on. I feel that there is a special place in heaven for each and every one of you. You are all good hearted people and you will be rewarded for your selfless care for these animals.
Hi everyone. I have a 6 month old Buff O cockerel that suddenly developed symptoms of a neck injury/wry neck. He has always been an active cockerel, yesterday I noticed that he was staggering to the side when he walked and he was holding his neck in a strange position, almost like a flamingo would in a reversed 'S' position so his head was pulled back and down onto his body.

My birds get sunflower seeds daily so I'm not suspecting a vitamin E deficiency in him. He seemed to perk up after I gave him a half a baby aspirin yesterday but this morning seems worse. He looks and acts as though he is drunk. Their feed is dry and high quality. He is the only one in the flock acting this way and at this point I fear that I am going to loose him if he declines any further.

Advice for a injury induced wry neck would be highly appreciated. This is a sweet young cockerel that I really don't want to loose.
Hi everyone. I have a 6 month old Buff O cockerel that suddenly developed symptoms of a neck injury/wry neck. He has always been an active cockerel, yesterday I noticed that he was staggering to the side when he walked and he was holding his neck in a strange position, almost like a flamingo would in a reversed 'S' position so his head was pulled back and down onto his body.

My birds get sunflower seeds daily so I'm not suspecting a vitamin E deficiency in him. He seemed to perk up after I gave him a half a baby aspirin yesterday but this morning seems worse. He looks and acts as though he is drunk. Their feed is dry and high quality. He is the only one in the flock acting this way and at this point I fear that I am going to loose him if he declines any further.

Advice for a injury induced wry neck would be highly appreciated. This is a sweet young cockerel that I really don't want to loose.
i dont know much but does he eat on his own, watch for stuff coming out of his nose or coughing or sneezing i have read that an iliness can make them do that with the neck also ,but i would watch to make sure he is eating and drinking you may have to help to get the nurishment in him.. hoping someone with more experiance comments also to help you too.
Any progress is good!
My little guy also hatched unable to stand with wry neck. To be honest it took 3 months before he was symptom free. Then everytime I stopped his meds he relapsed. I usually found mornings were his best time. Evenings were bad and his head would be upside down again. I started forcing afternoon naps in a dark spot and it seemed to help. Keep up the great work...I know it's frustrating at times but if you can get her over the hump it's so rewarding.
thank you .. i never thought about using save a chick probiotics in the food to get water in them i have been putting starter/grower in her food to give a little more nutrition for the little guy

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