Let's talk Wry Neck/Crook Neck

i think one of our chicks has wry neck. if it is from a vitamin defficiancy is the onset of it gradule or sudden?
I saw a gradual decline, but it was only over a week..the first time it happened. First his head wasn't as upright..and then slowly he got worse until he seemed to think that his neck stretching under his belly was upright.

When he got it again, it was sudden.
Silike chick about 1 month of age just noticed has wry neck what combiniation of vitamin e and selenium do i adminaster and how much, how long...

also how long can they survive without treatment?
I have a silkie a few months old who came down with this overnight. His chin seems tuckrd under him and when I try to straighten it to get him to drink he wont keeep it straight long enough. I'm afraid he will die of dehydation or starve...
We just got a Polish pullet over it completely.

Our experience was that she worsened dramatically when she was stressed, including when we held her or tried to "help" her. If we left her alone after a few minutes she'd be able to uncurl enough to eat and drink. She could still see well and aim her head if she was relaxed enough. Helping actually DIDN'T help.

There were several weeks where she could not move forward at all. Only backward. We kept her in a dog ex-pen during that time and she'd maneuver backwards, often falling over and flapping, until she was facing whatever she wanted to face, then work on getting her neck down to pick it up. It was pitiful and awful to watch, but believe it or not she didn't seem distressed and she didn't lose weight or condition.

She got a capsule of salmon oil and half a capsule of super-stress B complex every day or every other day, depending on how she was doing.

After a month we saw that she could move forward. From that point it was only a few days until she was holding her head normally most of the time. She would still flip it back into the twisted position if she heard a loud noise or was scared for some other reason. But then even that went away pretty quickly, and yesterday she moved back out with the flock.

I told myself the whole time that if she stopped eating or drinking, she was done for. But, amazingly, even at her worst she could eat and drink.
OK, I've read through the entire list/posts and some of the symptoms match perfectly for wry neck. I have a little GN D'uccle roo who will be a year old next month. He is fine one day, the next he's kinda "scatter brained", tucks his head just a BIT, rest of time it's held to one side, but only slightly. I've tried everything I know to try, vits, eggs, ect. He is better on his feet now its been a couple weeks is eating, ect. Is this IN FACT a heridity issue? If so, then I see no reason not to cull this guy (other than I'm really attached
) Can ANYONE on here help me decide what's best at this point? I had bird for years and this is my first encounter of this. I need help and advise from anyone who is willing to lend it. Thanks so much...
OK, now I need help. I have an 8 month old Black Copper Marans roo. Tonight when my son went to gather eggs he came back & told me one of the birds was sick. I went out & found my roo on the floor of the coop, with his head pulled backwards onto his back & he was twisting it back and forth. None of my birds have been sick. No upper respiratory issues, nothing. He is recovering from a case of frostbite on his comb. He refuses to roost in the coop, & got frostbitten during the ice storm. I need help here. I have him in a crate in the laundry room & he's just laying there staring at the ceiling. I'm terrified this is some sort of contagious disease.
That's exactly what my one chick is doing. She's some sort of mutt (not even sure who or what the parents are) that I hatched out, and was fine the first day. But day 2 came around, and she keeps throwing her head back and waving it back and forth. She sometimes falls over backwards, and will fall asleep with her neck resting on her back. But she's still eating and drinking fine. Now that I've read all of this, I'm going to start her on B-complex vitamins tonight, and go out and get some E and selenium first thing tomorrow. I'm eager to see what advise people have for us.
I have one of my RC rir chicks with wry neck I think. I put him in a nice warm box by himself and he is voraciously going after the water. He will drink and drink and drink some more, then he basically throws up and goes at it again. Anyone heard of that? Should I limit his water or leave him be?

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