Letting your inner cheap out

my outside hose leaks so I keep a tub to catch the water to use on outside flowers. I reuse plastic grocery bags for the bathroom garbage can and share the garbage man with my grandmother because neither of us has more than one bag a week. I do my meat shopping in my grams freezer, venison, venison and pork.
Something about being "cheap cheep" or frugal makes me giggle inside. It's like cheating almost. Doesn't hurt anyone, and really helps out sometimes. The people I work with are amazed sometimes at the tricks I can pull, and I'm the caretaker and they are the ones with degrees and make the big money. It makes me feel smarter. Glad to know, after reading all the posts here, I not the only "smart" one
I haven't used hot/warm water to wash my clothes in ages!! I have found that the laundry detergent recipe found on another post works great in cold water.

Also it help to make and or grow and or can or freeze alot of your own food. Being self sufficient is in a way "cheap".
one i haven't seen on any threads...i make my kids wear their play clothes twice at least. they are just gonna get something on them tomorrow!

also, hubby wears his 'work around the house' shirts all 2-3x before laundering. again, just gonna get something on them!

we save a lot of water, power and money by laundering things when they are actually dirty, not worn for a few hours.

i soak clothes and treat stains. it all adds up.

also, i try to make dinners that taste good COLD the next day! we had ribs last night made in the crock pot that we had cold w/strawberries for lunch today!
I hang our towels up on the shower stall to use again the next day. After all we are drying off "CLEAN'' water !!!! I try to get hubby to use it 3 times but... 2 is usually all he will go for.
Oh forgot .. I go to the bread store to buy loaf bread, buns etc.... They are about 1/3 the cost of the grocery store... example My favorite is Sara Lee 100 % whole wheat bread at the grocery store it is $2.79 a loaf and at the bread store it is 4 loafs for $3.85 or .99 for 1 loaf. Do you all have bread stores???

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