LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

That's fair. Yea Buffs sure do like their food haha. It is always impressive to me how fast mine will come running for treats. I actually ordered 2 EEs as started pullets to add to my flock and should get them in 2 weeks which I am very excited for! Are yours laying yet?
No. EEs can take a long time to start laying, so I’m not expecting them all to be laying regularly till around the holiday season.
Yea, that is what I have heard. I'm excited that they can be friendlier too. Out of all my birds only my Barred Plymouth Rocks will sometimes let me pick them up
EEs are normally friendly, but in my experience there is always one that doesn’t like people. My most friendly bird is an EE named Georgie Girl, well it used to be my EE cockerel Prince. My Buff Orpington was never close to the friendliest.

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