LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

Well that was horrifying.

My cat just started yowling and growling outside my room while I'm heading to bed. She's calmed down now, but not sure I wanna know what set her off.
I once heard a cat making *awful* noises, I ran to the window, but it was just two cats having a stare off. They eventually calmed down and the one walked past, getting on with its day.
I once heard a cat making *awful* noises, I ran to the window, but it was just two cats having a stare off. They eventually calmed down and the one walked past, getting on with its day.
I'd believe that if she was by a window. She'll growl when she hears the coyotes at night if they're by the coops. But she was outside my door and at that point I wasn't about to open it and risk some monster just waltzing inside.

Logic now says she was just mad she couldn't come into my room since the door was shut, but holy crap it was horrifying to just be laying there listening to her crying like that.
Definitely wait until you're comfortable and have an idea of what you want as far as your identity.

I made lists when I was having the worser struggles. Of names I liked, the titles (Miss/Mrs, Mr, Mx) in front of them, and then just took a moment introducing myself with each to see which ones felt right. Of course, then I was really confused because it switched occasionally, it didn't remain solid with Mr. Jacin Larkwell like I had expected, because I wasn't really Trans, I was Fluid.

Not saying that you're not trans though, just that sometimes it can help a bit with reaffirming everything to have atbleast someone saying your preferred introduction aloud.
Yeah sometimes I use masc terms on myself when I speak to myself (yes I do that) and it feels strange, but in a good way.
I told my best friend (I was scared to tell her because she probably wouldn't understand, being cishet) and she was supportive and today she told me about a trans character in a show she was watching and how the character helped her understand more about my identity. Love her.
(I might have mentioned her before, she was the one I took out on valentines day)
Love the profile Pic by the way
Thanks, that's my "face reveal"
(I'm sorry to mention this fluffy)
Dougie is SO broody
Like incredibly broody. I think she may start sitting full time tomorrow or the next day.
This girl is insane. She's got too many eggs to sit on so she's just rolling them under her tummy and wings, trying to cover them all.
And she gave me the sassiest, fluffiest face when I approached her.
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Screenshot_20230515_211008_Video Player.jpg

I'm convinced she'll be an amazing mum someday
(I'm sorry to mention this fluffy)
Dougie is SO broody
Like incredibly broody. I think she may start sitting full time tomorrow or the next day.
This girl is insane. She's got too many eggs to sit on so she's just rolling them under her tummy and wings, trying to cover them all.
And she gave me the sassiest, fluffiest face when I approached her.
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I'm convinced she'll be an amazing mum someday

Don't worry, I've already heard of the news😌. But I ain't saying anything more because I'm a bad influence
I might've made a mistake. I went on the European Poultry Association to look at some SOP's (you don't want to know how many times I've written standards) and well I made the mistake of looking at the Ayam Cemani SOP, and they had kind of a gamey build, and of course the gamefowl lover in me fell for it :lau

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