LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

What breed eggs are you setting?
I bought Indian Runner duck eggs from a NPIP certified breeder but he just sent a message saying that he might have to refund me because his ducks decided to stop laying. If he does indeed refund me, there were a few other NPIP certified breeders I can buy from. I was looking at mostly bantam chicken breed eggs.
I really hope his ducks lay their eggs because I was hoping to hatch them out and fool my parents into thinking our own ducks had been breeding this whole time. They don't know I bought the eggs and even told me "No more buying babies" but they're open to letting our birds hatch out their own. The color variations I saw in the guy's flock made me think it's possible. I know it's not right but since one of our chickens went broody, I really wanted to try this.
Eh, I don't have strong feelings about lying to or respecting family. Mine is SUPER wack and I'm only in contact with 3/10 of them. So I say get those duck eggs. >_> Just know you might get caught and what that looks like.
I swear EVERYTHING offends someone 🙄 OBVIOUSLY the OP is a member of the LGBT community and was not trying to single anyone out! I’m going to refer you to the 5 G’s. Good God Get a Grip Girl!!! If it doesn’t concern you just freaking ignore it. I’m really disappointed in this site after just a few weeks on it. This is worse than Facebook with everyone trying to control the views of the next person. While I consider myself “straight” (only bc I’m married to a man) I can definitely appreciate the idea behind OP posting this thread. If something offends you here, then it isn’t for you. Jeez.
Again, I haven’t mentioned my sex life at all. None of the people on this thread know which of the LGBT I am. I’m not using this as a dating site, I’m using it to try to connect to memebers of my community. It’s not innapropriate for me to say that I am LGBT.
You are amazing!! I love that you are comfortable enough in your own skin to make this post! I’m a PROUD supporter of the LBGTQ community! I’m an ordained minister and one of the very few in my area of Texas who will very proudly officiate same sex ceremonies! God made us all different for a reason! How boring would life be if we were all the same cookie cutter people?! He made people like he made the colors of the rainbow! All different, but equally beautiful ❤️
While I consider myself “straight” (only bc I’m married to a man)

Haha, FYI; being in a straight passing relationship doesn't make you straight. ;) Like, I don't "become" a lesbian if I date a girl or straight if I date a guy. I'm bi all the time.

So if you, personally, could seriously consider a same-sex relationship if you weren't in your current marriage, I got some news for ya (or at least something to think about). :oops:
You are amazing!! I love that you are comfortable enough in your own skin to make this post! I’m a PROUD supporter of the LBGTQ community! I’m an ordained minister and one of the very few in my area of Texas who will very proudly officiate same sex ceremonies! God made us all different for a reason! How boring would life be if we were all the same cookie cutter people?! He made people like he made the colors of the rainbow! All different, but equally beautiful ❤
I second this!

I'm a straight cis female, but I figure what anyone does in the bedroom or wants to wear (in the case of trans) is their business and not my problem. My husband is a highschool teacher and one of the boys (that to our knowledge is not gay or trans) showed up to prom last year in a dress and heels and he absolutely rocked that dress (he could have shaved the beard, but that's another topic entirely... lol).

I do admit, I am curious about the mechanics of some things and do appreciate LGBTQ people that are open to answering questions (not on here, that wouldn't be appropriate and I only ask people that I know fairly well those things) the exact same way I am curious about other religions and religious practices ( I was raised in a christian household with no exposure to other religions as a child so I'm learning now).

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