LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

That’s so fun! I love my frizzle seramas. I’m having three dozen serama eggs shipped to me from a breeder I really like. Should ship out today. A bit of a birthday present as I’m turning 22 today.
Happy Birthday @allosaurusrock!

Happy Birthday GIF
Thoughts and prayers welcome for miss Bonnie Bonster. (Bunny)
Who today underwent a spay operation...
It was very much a necessity, I do believe in spays for health, but it was also crucial due to her hormones and behaviour... I mean, imagine walking into her pen and her throwing herself into your legs, tooth and claw... She's not exactly vicious, but she's a very angry little creature at times, very territorial. I've seen bunnies become calmer after this, so I'm hopeful.

She went in this morning, got picked up this afternoon, has her meds and is recovering indoors in a very lovely crate, complete with blankets, a new soft hidey and a new toy. She's been great so far, nibbling veggies, her toys, and hay, and drinking plenty of water. She hasn't been as grumpy either, accepting a few pets before she was placed in her little recovery cage.

Makes me nervous though! Such a big op for such a little one.
Thoughts and prayers welcome for miss Bonnie Bonster. (Bunny)
Who today underwent a spay operation...
It was very much a necessity, I do believe in spays for health, but it was also crucial due to her hormones and behaviour... I mean, imagine walking into her pen and her throwing herself into your legs, tooth and claw... She's not exactly vicious, but she's a very angry little creature at times, very territorial. I've seen bunnies become calmer after this, so I'm hopeful.

She went in this morning, got picked up this afternoon, has her meds and is recovering indoors in a very lovely crate, complete with blankets, a new soft hidey and a new toy. She's been great so far, nibbling veggies, her toys, and hay, and drinking plenty of water. She hasn't been as grumpy either, accepting a few pets before she was placed in her little recovery cage.

Makes me nervous though! Such a big op for such a little one.

Hope she has a quick recovery!
Hope she has a quick recovery!
She's the toughest bunny I know, so I'm sure she will!
Getting her meds done was one heck of a task this morning, picking her up without her getting too flighty or hurting her stitches while avoiding her wrath...
Got it done though! She's still sleeping it off really, but everything is ideal, pooping, eating, drinking, healthy looking stitches!

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