LGD puppy-4 mo old-Help!

Got it, yes we spend a lot of time training her and being with her. As for tethering her to us, she lives outside 24/7 with a good shed to go in for protection, and when she is with the chickens rolls in poop. We’ve read about not petting them or loving on them to much, as they might not want to go back outside. We wouldn’t be able to bring her inside with us...but maybe we can start tethering her to us to do the other farm chores.

We know she is a puppy, won’t be able to be trusted till she is older, all of that kind of thing, but we are just wandering if she gets bored, and that’s why she kills the chickens. That’s where the original question came from, Should we get her an adult goat, or some kind of animal to befriend, and bond with so she isn’t so bored everyday when we aren’t with her.
All the LGD’s we’ve seen at farms follow the herd of whatever around wherever the herd goes, and that gives them something to do everyday. We’ve even seen younger LGDs doing that, so we are wandering if it would help to get her something to follow, and look after to keep her occupied...since the chickens will never be walking around a pasture needing followed by an LGD like sheep and goat herds do.

I don't think another farm friend will make no difference in making her more trustworthy with the chickens. She's a pup (did you say what breed?) and most LGD breeds mature slowly. An older, experienced LGD will demonstrate guarding and correct behaviors. That won't come from a goat. I understand not wanting to have a dog that rolled in poop come in the house, for sure. But she needs guidance from you and yours, with instant correction for any behavioral mistake. I don't agree with the no petting guidance - as you need to have her bonded to someone, and petting can be part of praising/rewarding correct behavior. She needs a pack leader - and without another dog to demonstrate, that's you.

Do you put her up nightly in her shed or does she come and go as she pleases? I'd start with being the one to let her out in the a.m. and tuck in every night. Do you feed her at set times? I'd suggest letting her out in the a.m., give her a few seconds to do her business, then feed (dog breed can matter on feeding - giant breeds should get fed twice a day to prevent bloat)

I'm ok with shock collar training - it doesn't hurt and jut gets their attention. But that is negative reinforcement. make sure there's also positive reward in their somewhere.

I think if you list breed, you'll get members with the same breed offering their suggestions and success stories.

Good luck!
I’ve read a lot about tethering LGDs at her age to YOU for 90 days. Just about all day, every day, whenever you are home and doing anything. In and out of the house.

Full disclosure I do not have one yet, but I’m on a waiting list for a litter of Karakachans this spring. Yay! I’ve been researching for a couple of years.

a huge part of the instinctual part of an LGD being an LGD is the relationship of the dog and their shepherd (you!). If left to her own decisions, it will take quite some time for her to realize what is her stock to protect. If you keep her with you for all of your tasks and time l, she will learn exponentially faster what is important to you and what she should protect.....

Wow - good luck with your pup! Our fish and game department has a few bear dogs and use them to drive habituated black bears back into the woods, sometimes after trapping. They are beautiful. Looking forward to seeing the pics!
She is an Great Pyrenees/Anatolian Shepherd cross.
What a great mix - it's one I'm considering for the future. I have a great pyr/greater swiss mtn dog mix. I don't have personal experience with the anatolian to offer great advice on their instinctive traits - but multiple other members do and are likely to jump in on the thread before too long.
is she short haired like the anatolian or long like the pyr?
we'd all love to see pics!

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