Lice - how do I treat and what to use?


Jan 27, 2022
I recently discovered that my flock of 5 chickens have lice. I found them around the vent. They're a couple mm big and yellow. I think my new chickens passed them on to my old ones. I've heard so many opinions that I don't even know where to start. Would calling my local dog and cat vet help? Maybe she'd recommend some products?

I have no idea what most treatment options even are since I'm from Europe. From what I understand dust isn't good couse it can cause respiratory problems. So does that leave a spray? In that case how would I get it on them and under the feathers? How often to treat? Is there an option that isn't expensive? Maybe something I could find locally.

Thank you!
I just found lice on my birds as well so I've been doing some research. There are several things you can try. Commercial Poultry dust can be used. If you just dust the vent, under the wings and such you are ok. Don't get this near the eyes and bees. Don't breathe it in and make sure to use gloves.

Diatomaceous earth was another recommendation. The food grade stuff is good for birds and will kill most pets. Again, you can dust the birds as above. You can put it in their favorite dusting "hole" so they can bathe themselves with dust.

Petroleum Jelly can be used on legs and skin areas. Don't get it in the eye, but you can go around the eye. This can be used on the comb, waddles, legs etc.

Garlic in the water. I don't know the ratio, but if you have a little garlic juice in the water that will deter bugs from eating the chickens. The garlic will have to build up in the system to get rid of the lice.

Clean out the coop really well. Remove all shavings. There's a list of essential oils you can mix with water to spray around the coop to stop bugs from coming in. You are cleaning everything. Roosting bars, nesting boxes, everything. Then sprinkle Diatomaceous earth around the floor of the coop before putting your wood shavings back down. Good luck.

Personally, I'm going to try the garlic, and Diatomaceous earth. When it warms up we will be cleaning the coop out.
I recently discovered that my flock of 5 chickens have lice. I found them around the vent. They're a couple mm big and yellow. I think my new chickens passed them on to my old ones. I've heard so many opinions that I don't even know where to start. Would calling my local dog and cat vet help? Maybe she'd recommend some products?

I have no idea what most treatment options even are since I'm from Europe. From what I understand dust isn't good couse it can cause respiratory problems. So does that leave a spray? In that case how would I get it on them and under the feathers? How often to treat? Is there an option that isn't expensive? Maybe something I could find locally.

Thank you!
Not sure what to suggest in EU.
Permethrin is my go to, but think it's hard to find there?
ETA, might ask here:
Dust or spray.
Dust can be applied carefully so as not to create too much of a respiratory issue.

Personally, I'm going to try the garlic, and Diatomaceous earth. When it warms up we will be cleaning the coop out.
Then you can use something that will actually work.
Sorry for the snark, but garlic and DE is not going to kill a pest infestation.
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I have made several posts in several threads. Here my go to treatment is also permethrin. I put the dust in the nest boxes. If you can get head lice shampoo for people you could always bathe your birds if it isn't too cold or in a warm place. It may take a few baths but I did it with my birds before and it helped. I also took a flea comb and got as much off them as I could. This was before I discovered permethrin. Good luck...

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