Lice...I think, or maybe mites???


In the Brooder
10 Years
11 Years
Jan 24, 2009
Salt Lake City
Howdy again - I feel as if I'm on here constantly seeking advice...newby that I is our situation - I discovered a pretty bad lice infestation on one of the girls, I think it's lice and not mites after researching the two...anyway - I tried DE and it worked a little, but she still has creepy critters all over, and is clearly uncomfortable. I also changed all litter in coop, added DE to the new litter, and am considering other venues since this is not working well enough. Is Seven the best way to go? What about malathion? Any organic solutions?

The next issue is that all the other chickens are completely wild - we got them as older gals and only Emmy Lou will let us near I'm assuming if the other gals aren't infested yet, they soon will be. How do we catch them without hurting them, then how in the world do we treat them since they are so wild???

Thanks for any advice! I've been worried about it for a few days now...
try using Sevin 5% garden dust or a poultry dust such as Ectiban-D by Durvet (active ingrediant permathrin)

there are sprays available for the coop. but make sure anything you use is ok for poultry.
let dry and air out well before letting birds back in.

check the feather shafts for white crust..especially the vent area.
they might need baths..some use Adam's flea shampoo for dogs and cats..diluted ...

you'll have to clean out the coop and bedding, and treat the coop, replace with new bedding, such as commercial packaged pine shavings..

check the legs for raised scales or crust.
If you decide to treat the coop with insecticide of any kind, be sure to read the instructions completely! Some treatments need to be kept away from eggs and nests; some require eggs to be disposed of for a period of time during treatment; and some are very toxic - do you have a feed store, or extension office nearby? You could ask for help and advice at either place!
If the others are coming into the coop at night to roost, you can easily grab them to treat them then. Just wait until they've been on the roost for about an hour, and they are like zombies, and you can do whatever to them! Works here anyway.

Put some Sevin dust in a sock or pantyhose, and dust under the wings, around the vent, and on the neck. Then stick 'em back up on the roost.

You can add some Sevin to their dust bath as well. Just mix some in with the sand or whatever they dust in.

Best of luck!
Thanks everyone...I'm going to try tomorrow to "catch" the girls and dust them...also, do I need to throw the bedding away, or can I compost it? The compost pile is in the same area as the chickens free rang in...
if it is infested with "critters"...I'd get rid of it..
burn it if you are allowed to..or take it away..

I always have luck getting them after they've gone to roost for a NotTheMomma suggested..also dusting as she suggests.

they are almost comatose and usually easy to handle..
you can wrap them in a towel.

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