Lice or mites?


8 Years
Jan 22, 2012
Is this lice or mites? I am freaking out!
I have ordered DE, Sevin dust and Sevin spray and permethrin. I plan to clean out all bedding and straw in all areas, spray with permethrin, spray the birds with Sevin spray, allow to dry and dust them with Sevin dust and DE. I will replace the bedding after I see bugs are gone and coat new bedding with Sevin dust and DE.
I also ordered Frontline to put near vent.
Any other suggestions?
Sorry; I have a video but how do you post a video?
Is this lice or mites? I am freaking out!
I have ordered DE, Sevin dust and Sevin spray and permethrin. I plan to clean out all bedding and straw in all areas, spray with permethrin, spray the birds with Sevin spray, allow to dry and dust them with Sevin dust and DE. I will replace the bedding after I see bugs are gone and coat new bedding with Sevin dust and DE.
I also ordered Frontline to put near vent.
Any other suggestions?
Sorry; I have a video but how do you post a video?

Post it to YouTube and copy the link in your thread. You sound like you are ready for WW3 on bugs lol
looks like feather mites to me. do you see any visible mites or lice? make sure to check the vent area....if you see any bugs, give her a bath with pet shampoo.
I just watched on my phone so tiny little screen but I think it's lice. Sevin powder will look after mites and lice. You need to reapply after a week. Make sure you do all chickens and the coop. It works immediately. Good luck!
That was the vent and yes! Tons of little bugs but was probably hard to see in the video. Pretty sure it's lice based on what other chicken people have said.

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