Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

Hector, seeing she was an ave, decided to make the transformation. He held his hands up, showing he was unarmed. "I won't hurt you, s long as you're not here to hurt us." He said.
River snickered again. "Well, I think Moon is more or less- probably more- a feather head. They should have named her MoonMoon." She paused. "And Trodaire might have spread some rumors."
Horius laughed, responding “ That makes no sense to me at all but I’ll take your word for it.” He chuckled “Why don’t you tell the wolves to attack the hunters? It’d save us time.”
Hector, seeing she was an ave, decided to make the transformation. He held his hands up, showing he was unarmed. "I won't hurt you, s long as you're not here to hurt us." He said.
Persepolis puts away her bow and moves to meet the boy. She stands just over arm's length away from him.
"Who are you?", She asks, "I don't recognize you."
Tory jumped a bit when Acan spoke, but calmed quickly. "Really? Even something this small?" she asked, looking at the tiny carrot. "I need to get some onions for the cook."
"Onions is it? That's over on this side," pointed Acan, towards the fat leaves. "See, th' carrots is got lacy, dainty like leaves, an' the onions is got a fat looking hollow leaf, like ifn' grass got blowed up like a balloon. An it's springtime still, so the onions ain't gonna be much right now anyways, but the garlic scrapes are peak right now. Tell th' cook we need to use up all the onions from the storeroom before we start digging the green ones up, alrighty?" Acan smiled gently as he could, his hulking form hunching down to her level so she wouldn't have to crane her neck to look up at him.
Tory nodded solemnly. "I'll tell her that." she said. She began trotting back to the kitchen, then stopped and turned around. "What's your name?" she called.
"I was a guard and a hunter." he said quietly. "I wasn't inside a lot."
"That makes sense.", she said in an equally quiet voice. "I wasn't a guard or anything myself. I just did my own thing and nobody ever noticed me."
After a moment she added, "My name's Persepolis, by the way. You don't have to tell me yours if you don't want to."

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