Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

Horius laughed, responding “ That makes no sense to me at all but I’ll take your word for it.” He chuckled “Why don’t you tell the wolves to attack the hunters? It’d save us time.”
"I have thought about asking them, but if you think about it, it would be bad for both us Banished, and for the wolves." River paused, thinking about what she was going to say. "The Forest Pack lives right by our camp, and if they attacked the Humans, the Humans would simply hunt them down and kill them all, which would kill the wolves, and since the wolves are right by our camp, the humans would find us too. Besides, it would be stupid of the wolves to attack the humans. They only have claws and teeth, and while wolves are strong, humans are stronger and have guns. They wouldn`t stand a chance."
"I have thought about asking them, but if you think about it, it would be bad for both us Banished, and for the wolves." River paused, thinking about what she was going to say. "The Forest Pack lives right by our camp, and if they attacked the Humans, the Humans would simply hunt them down and kill them all, which would kill the wolves, and since the wolves are right by our camp, the humans would find us too. Besides, it would be stupid of the wolves to attack the humans. They only have claws and teeth, and while wolves are strong, humans are stronger and have guns. They wouldn`t stand a chance."
Horius smiled, and admitted silently "I was only joking, of course." He changed the subject, admitting "This is one of the worst storms I've seen."
Horius smiled, and admitted silently "I was only joking, of course." He changed the subject, admitting "This is one of the worst storms I've seen."
"I know." River glanced over her shoulder. "Me too. I hope it stops soon, the others will worry." She paused. "I wonder if the hunting team caught anything for them, Luna hasn`t ate in days, and I`m not sure about the others."
"I know." River glanced over her shoulder. "Me too. I hope it stops soon, the others will worry. I wonder if the hunting team caught anything for them, Luna hasn`t ate in days, and I`m not sure about the others."
Horius shook his head, admitting quietly, "Almost everyone is hungry. We have to stay together." He questioned additionally, after some thought on how to continue the conversation, "Do you think we need a new leader or no?"
Tory nodded solemnly. "I'll tell her that." she said. She began trotting back to the kitchen, then stopped and turned around. "What's your name?" she called.
"Acan," he replied. A big honest grin crept across his dirty face as he watched her go. " Good kid," he mumbled before turning to the garden beds to work them over a bit.
Horius shook his head, admitting quietly, "Almost everyone is hungry. We have to stay together." He questioned additionally, after some thought on how to continue the conversation, "Do you think we need a new leader or no?"
(They vote, right?)
"Of coarse we do. Who, though, is the question. Lucas couldn`t make the decision to kill if he had to, Luna can be very hot headed and triggered, Eclipse acts like a feral cat, Hector really I don`t think could lead the Banished, I obliviously wouldn`t be a good choice, Stephen doesn`t know how to really deal with people, and the others aren`t really cut out to be leaders. I don`t know... I`d probably end up voting for you when voting time comes." River replied.
Hector, still slightly wary, asked, "So why are you here? You weren't banished."

Raquel replied "I wish it made their bones easier to break. Their bones are really strong, to put up with the stress of flight."
Hector, still slightly wary, asked, "So why are you here? You weren't banished."

Raquel replied "I wish it made their bones easier to break. Their bones are really strong, to put up with the stress of flight."
Eva nodded, pretending to agree with her even though she didnt know if she hated the Aves just yet. She asked curiously “So where do you come from?”
(They vote, right?)
"Of coarse we do. Who, though, is the question. Lucas couldn`t make the decision to kill if he had to, Luna can be very hot headed and triggered, Eclipse acts like a feral cat, Hector really I don`t think could lead the Banished, I obliviously wouldn`t be a good choice, Stephen doesn`t know how to really deal with people, and the others aren`t really cut out to be leaders. I don`t know... I`d probably end up voting for you when voting time comes." River replied.
Horius looked outwards into the onslaught of rain. He was of a different opinion, that a leader would only result in jealousy and mutiny, and if he was the leader...He didnt even know if people liked him. They didnt have a reason not to, he thought.

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