Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

Aves form
Name: Igance
Age: 23
Gender: female
Personality: kind and sweet, but she has boundaries. Very smart and understands others
Occupation: scout
History: (not really sure)
Bird modeled after: bald eagle
Special power: invisibility
Weapon: long spear, wooden handle, rock tip, tied with leather and has eagle feathers on it
Description: black hair, green eyes. Talk and slim.
Other: oops I didn’t mean to add the pic at the bottom. I needed it to copy the form and I didn’t want to keep scrolling up and down up and down lol
River thought for a moment, closing her eyes then opening them. "I remember it. I like that. It would make sense. Especially if we fly, and don`t leave tracks that way. And it`s still close, so we could come back if we don`t trust the place."
She layed the land out in her mind. Forest Pack was her marker, she could find her way around if she knew where the camp was, and the cabin was also a marker, the stream too, and those were all still close to the other cabin. Yes, it was a good idea.
Xylo nodded, after making sure everyone was fine and as a sign of agreement with River. With a simple tone, he stated “I’m going to go for a walk.”, his mind full of things he wanted to ponder, voices that wouldn’t leave, about everything. Himself, the others, being a leader, River.
Hector moved from the door, letting Xylo pass him.

Raquel left the tent. "Some storm, eh?" she asked, trying to lighten the mood. "Dang it." she muttered, as she looked at the new holes in her tarp. "Guess I'm gonna have to get used to the wet." Her head shot up. She felt like she was being... observed... Probably nothing.
"And I'm going to get material for beds", Persepolis said.
She shifted into her golden eagle state and flew out of one of the broken windows, disappearing from sight in a few seconds.

Persepolis circled high on the drafts, taking in a quick survey of the area around the cabin. Her eyes focused in, razor sharp, on two human figures several miles away in the distance. She banked away from them, descending to land. She didn't need conflict right now.
Hector moved from the door, letting Xylo pass him.

Raquel left the tent. "Some storm, eh?" she asked, trying to lighten the mood. "Dang it." she muttered, as she looked at the new holes in her tarp. "Guess I'm gonna have to get used to the wet." Her head shot up. She felt like she was being... observed... Probably nothing.
Brid froze as one of the girls' heads shot up. If the girl looked up far enough to the right, she'd see her.
Hector moved from the door, letting Xylo pass him.

Raquel left the tent. "Some storm, eh?" she asked, trying to lighten the mood. "Dang it." she muttered, as she looked at the new holes in her tarp. "Guess I'm gonna have to get used to the wet." Her head shot up. She felt like she was being... observed... Probably nothing.
Brid froze as one of the girls' heads shot up. If the girl looked up far enough to the right, she'd see her.
Eva tapped Raquel’s shoulder, and pointed right at Brigid in wonder. There was an Aves. Their wings were beautiful, and she seemed scared...not menacing. Eva prayed Raquel wouldn’t scare her.
Brid groaned softly, her eyes widening in fear as the girls turned to look at her. This is it. I'm gonna die at 15. And I bet no one's even gonna notice. She straightened and spoke warily, not taking her eyes off of them, poised to fly away at the slightest move from either of them. "I wasn't gonna hurt you-either of you. I was just wondering who was here. Which was stupid, because this is obviously hunter's territory..." she trailed off, aware of how stupid she was sounding. Nice last words, Brid.
Brid groaned softly, her eyes widening in fear as the girls turned to look at her. This is it. I'm gonna die at 15. And I bet no one's even gonna notice. She straightened and spoke warily, not taking her eyes off of them, poised to fly away at the slightest move from either of them. "I wasn't gonna hurt you-either of you. I was just wondering who was here. Which was stupid, because this is obviously hunter's territory..." she trailed off, aware of how stupid she was sounding. Nice last words, Brid.
Eva looked at her, approaching her with hands in the air and a kind expression. She whispered “I won’t hurt you. It’s ok.” She stared for a while, clearly astonished. After a quick observation of her, she whispered in a state of excitement a child feels for his or her birthday “I’ve never seen one of you before.”
Eva looked at her, approaching her with hands in the air and a kind expression. She whispered “I won’t hurt you. It’s ok.” She stared for a while, clearly astonished. After a quick observation of her, she whispered in a state of excitement a child feels for his or her birthday “I’ve never seen one of you before.”

This is new. "How come? You came here to hunt, didn't you?" Brigid asked, tensing as the stranger came closer, her eyes flicking back and forth between her and the other girl. She opened her wings in an unconscious attempt to make her small frame look more intimidating, flashing the red undersides. She could hear her own heartbeat speed up rapidly.
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