Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

Persepolis landed in a fir tree, 10 feet above ground level. Shifting back into her human form, she unsheathed her machete and started quickly but precisely hacking at a branch to her left. The diameter of the wood was small, a few inches; however, the needles branched out thick and full, and were springy. She could make a decent bed with two of these kinds of branches.
This is new. "How come? You came here to hunt, didn't you?" Brigid asked, tensing as the stranger came closer, her eyes flicking back and forth between her and the other girl. She opened her wings in an unconscious attempt to make her small frame look more intimidating, flashing the red undersides. She could hear her own heartbeat speed up rapidly.
Eva shook her head, replying in her kind and caring voice “No. I would kill only if you had the intent to kill me.” She looked at the magnificent wings that spread out behind Brigid, whispering “They’re beautiful.”
"Um, thanks?" Brid didn't know how to answer. Should she trust her? The stranger's heartbeat had stayed steady; she wasn't lying. "What exactly are you doing here, then? If you, uh, don't want to hunt," she questioned, relaxing enough to take a step closer, wings still outspread.
"Um, thanks?" Brid didn't know how to answer. Should she trust her? The stranger's heartbeat had stayed steady; she wasn't lying. "What exactly are you doing here, then? If you, uh, don't want to hunt," she questioned, relaxing enough to take a step closer, wings still outspread.
Eva pondered the question for a few seconds, before responding thoughtfully “To see if you were real. Or if you were just some rural legend.” She wanted to reach forth and touch her feathers, but restrained herself. She asked “Can you fly?”
"Nice to meet you too. I should probably go. I need to hunt and bring back some food," Brid replied distractedly, a fleeting, troubled look passing over her features as she thought of what might happen if she didn't bring back anything.

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