Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

(Maybe Xylo and Horius get into a verbal fight and someone pulls a knife/gun and River jumps in the way?)
River watched intently. I feel terrible about this. She thought miserably. She hated that this would tare apart a friendship, and probably more than one. But it had to happen.
(Yes that’s perfect!) Xylo tan after him, responding “You know I had no choice. I was outvoted by at least four of them.” He walked beside him, explaining softly “I know it’s hard for you, about your mother.”

That’s where the talking stopped. Horius grabbed his throat with both hands and hissed calmly “Don’t. You. Ever. Talk. About. Her. Is that understood.” He explained further “I trust you with my secrets, and you betray me to a human turned hunter? To a random Aves who shows up one day?” He continued onwards “I know your secrets Xylo. Have I ever betrayed you? Have I told River of what you’ve done. Curse her, playing with you like a doll. You’re not Xylo. You’re someone else. And I was friends with Xylo.” He finally let go, letting Xylo stand once again.

Xylo immediately pulled out his knife, asking intimidatingly “What do you say about her?”

Horius kept walking, before acknowledging what they both knew “You know what I said. Curse her, she’s your master. You are no longer a man.”

Xylo stood still for a few moments, contemplating what he should do.
Persepolis nodded in agreement, responding with a huff, "I'd imagine." She added thoughtfully, "But she's here now, and she doesn't seem to hate any of us besides Horius which, obviously, isn't going to be an everyday problem for her. My concern is her friend. Remember, there were two of them? Whether or not her friend saw her get attacked by Horius, I bet she still would have figured it out that an Aves did it. This new girl, she only ever set out to study us. Her friend, however, used to be a hunter." She locked eyes with Luna when she said those last two words. "That's what I'm concerned about."
Luna recalled her friend, nodding, before responding “You’re right...she could return for retaliation. To be fair, we were far away, closer to Sparrow’s Rock. Nowhere close the cabin.”
(For @Nariah01 so you dont have to dig up posts, you can read on your own time if you want but here you go, just tryna help : ) )

Casimir saw her nervousness and made sure to move slow as to not startle her. He reached out and gently touched her wing as he examined the wounds. "Well good news is the buckshot went clean through, no balls stuck inside the tissue of the wing. Bad news is its going to hurt until it heals sadly. There is a salve though that can be made with mud and some herbals that you could put on it. That would speed healing and dull the pain, if you like." He offered as he turned and gave Tory a brilliant smile at her enthusiasm and willingness to allow him to come help with her doll. "Wonderful, then I will come with. I know this is..unusual but I want to get to know you. You are a lot bigger then the baby I held in my arms five years ago." He told her with a smile as he held up his hands to show her just how small she had been last he saw her.
(Can Raquel get in on the fight?)
Persepolis nodded in agreement, "Yeah, the others are probably just as hungry as we are." She added with a playful smirk, "And apparently everyone likes my cooking."
Hector lughed. "That's cause it's good, silly!" he said, smiling.

Persepolis heard raised voices and immediately became intrigued. "Scratch that," She said to Hector. "This sounds interesting. I'm going to check it out. Want to come with?" She took a few steps towards the noise, waiting to see if Hector would follow.
Hector followed her towards the house.

Persepolis wanted to see what was up but didn't want to leave Hector. So she flew up enough to see to where the commotion was. Her heart stopped when she saw the new arrival. She recognized that girl. The only difference was that she has wings now. That girl was one of the hunters that she confronted.
What the crap is going on? She thought Why is she an Aves now?
Persepolis alighted along the side of the cabin, sliding her slender body between the eves. She was all but invisible to everyone but Hector. She continued to watch and listen. She intended to leave once the two disappeared inside.
He transformed into a Raven and alighted next to her.

Persepolis was close to one of the upstairs bedrooms. She heard the stairs creaking inside the cabin. They must have gone inside She thought Time to get down She started to look for an easy way down when she noticed a gap in the planks of wood next to her. The gap was only millimeters wide, but wide enough for noise to travel through. She could hear the voices of River and Lucas.
Persepolis was conflicted. She knew she shouldn't listen in. It was wrong, after all. That was common sense. But from here she had the perfect combination of being able to see and not be seen. She knew that everyone in front of the cabin couldn't see her and that those inside couldn't either. The only way anyone could see her is if they were standing exactly where Hector is.
She decided, childishly, that she'd just stay put until she could come to a solid decision about whether or not she should leave.
She watched as Xylo entered the cabin.

(I'm going to RP Hector into the cabin since @Rubysword doesn't appear to be on. He'll walk with me.)
Persepolis slid down from the roof, backing up carefully to stay out of River's peripheral vision, softening her landing by fanning out her wings. She walked back over to Hector, standing next to him like nothing had happened. She wiped all negative emotion from her face, betraying nothing of her eavesdropping.
She walked with Hector over to River asking in an unsuspecting voice, "What's up?"

(Let's just pretend Hector went to the kitchen to deposit the meat)

After he had cleaned the meat and seared it, to keep the moisture in, he went up to Persepolis's room and knocked. He wasn't sure what to do next.

Casimir saw her nervousness and made sure to move slow as to not startle her. He reached out and gently touched her wing as he examined the wounds. "Well good news is the buckshot went clean through, no balls stuck inside the tissue of the wing. Bad news is its going to hurt until it heals sadly. There is a salve though that can be made with mud and some herbals that you could put on it. That would speed healing and dull the pain, if you like." He offered as he turned and gave Tory a brilliant smile at her enthusiasm and willingness to allow him to come help with her doll. "Wonderful, then I will come with. I know this is..unusual but I want to get to know you. You are a lot bigger then the baby I held in my arms five years ago." He told her with a smile as he held up his hands to show her just how small she had been last he saw her.
Tory looked at him skeptically. "I was that small?" she asked.
Raquel sat in stony silence in front of her fire. She had resolved what she was going to do. She stood up, unsheathing her axe, and stalked off into the forest, determined to make them pay.
Casimir saw her nervousness and made sure to move slow as to not startle her. He reached out and gently touched her wing as he examined the wounds. "Well good news is the buckshot went clean through, no balls stuck inside the tissue of the wing. Bad news is its going to hurt until it heals sadly. There is a salve though that can be made with mud and some herbals that you could put on it. That would speed healing and dull the pain, if you like." He offered as he turned and gave Tory a brilliant smile at her enthusiasm and willingness to allow him to come help with her doll. "Wonderful, then I will come with. I know this is..unusual but I want to get to know you. You are a lot bigger then the baby I held in my arms five years ago." He told her with a smile as he held up his hands to show her just how small she had been last he saw her.
Sierra nodded simply, before meekly returning her wing to its folded up position, and froze it to dull the pain. She proposed to the trio “Well let’s go make that hat then.”
(Yes that’s perfect!) Xylo tan after him, responding “You know I had no choice. I was outvoted by at least four of them.” He walked beside him, explaining softly “I know it’s hard for you, about your mother.”

That’s where the talking stopped. Horius grabbed his throat with both hands and hissed calmly “Don’t. You. Ever. Talk. About. Her. Is that understood.” He explained further “I trust you with my secrets, and you betray me to a human turned hunter? To a random Aves who shows up one day?” He continued onwards “I know your secrets Xylo. Have I ever betrayed you? Have I told River of what you’ve done? Curse her, playing with you like a doll. You’re not Xylo. You’re someone else. And I was friends with Xylo.” He finally let go, letting Xylo stand once again.

Xylo immediately pulled out his knife, asking intimidatingly “What do you say about her?”

Horius kept walking, before acknowledging what they both knew “You know what I said. Curse her, she’s your master. You are no longer a man.”

Xylo stood still for a few moments, contemplating what he should do.
River stared down at them. A sudden flash of fury ripped over her. The putrid rat. She thought and took off, lighting down in the shadows on the ground and transformed into a Ave, still invisible to the men.
How dare he? Anger ran up her, threatening to take over. When was the last time she felt so angry? Of coarse she knew that. When her father died. And in the end, she had ruthlessly killed three people. Murdered them.
Wrath flicked up her over and over. How dare Horius attack Xylo? Or mock her in such a way? And why did Xylo let him? She realized Horius was walking right towards her. In a mere second anger got a hold on her.
With a look that could only be described as calm yet twisted with anger, River stepped out of the shadows, reviling herself. Horius was about six feet away. "Well hello Horius." She said silkily. Her voice... kind. "I hope my mastering wasn`t too stressful for you." She said, cocking her head. "Sorry, but let me cut to the chase. If I`m the master than the Banished are my followers. My people. Never, ever put your dirty hands on them again." She snarled, her voice becoming cold and ruthless.

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