Lies and Deceit - A Fantasy RP

Luna split off from Persepolis' path and headed in the direction of Alec, her heart starting to beat slightly faster as she arrived, seeing him in his camp. She realized she hadn't done anything special to look nice, but it was too late for anything now as she was sure he had already seen and heard her. Walking up to him, she gave him a smile, offering him "Hey, how are you?" , hoping he wouldn't be opposed to him visiting once again.
(She can meet up with Hector)
Hector was sitting on a log in the camp, not facing Persepolis, but when the leaves rustling and slight footsteps betrayed someone was behind him, he turned around, pleased to see it was Persepolis. Giving her a friendly smile, he took the initiative to walk over and hug her gently, as no one else was around at the moment.
Xylo smile satisfactorily, as he left to exit the building and begin his day, which actually would involve him marking a map of the area he had found in the cabin. Admittedly, he also had in mind something to do with River later, and that wasn't as easy to think up.
Eva groaned as he toyed with her emotions, not sure if she did in fact snore or not. That flicker of mischief only played with her more; she loved it when the two joked around, and didn't mind it whatsoever. She got out of her bed and got on his crawling over him so she stared down at him, before she asked teasingly "What if I told you you snore."
(@RiverStorm just a bump)
Luna split off from Persepolis' path and headed in the direction of Alec, her heart starting to beat slightly faster as she arrived, seeing him in his camp. She realized she hadn't done anything special to look nice, but it was too late for anything now as she was sure he had already seen and heard her. Walking up to him, she gave him a smile, offering him "Hey, how are you?" , hoping he wouldn't be opposed to him visiting once again.

Alec heard her walking towards him & he looked up. "Hey. I'm good, you?" He said smiling. He gestured to the spot next to him, & watched her sit down.
Hector was sitting on a log in the camp, not facing Persepolis, but when the leaves rustling and slight footsteps betrayed someone was behind him, he turned around, pleased to see it was Persepolis. Giving her a friendly smile, he took the initiative to walk over and hug her gently, as no one else was around at the moment.
Persepolis returned his smile and hug, then stepped back slightly to politely ask, "How are you? Did you sleep well?"
Alec heard her walking towards him & he looked up. "Hey. I'm good, you?" He said smiling. He gestured to the spot next to him, & watched her sit down.
Luna smiled in return, relieved to see he hadn't ushered her away yet, but rather seemed...excited to see her? She sat beside him and looked over to respond cheerfully "I'm doing good too, I'm glad to hear you are." She made sure to sit close but not the point where their bodies touched, so as to avoid him becoming uncomfortable.
Persepolis returned his smile and hug, then stepped back slightly to politely ask, "How are you? Did you sleep well?"
Hector replied agreeably "Yup. Slept very well, and actually kinda long too, so that's good. What about you, how'd you sleep? How's your day so far?" His words were quiet and reserved as usual, but nonetheless it was clear he truly did care about her and Persepolis' well-being, even if the way he did so could be classified as shy by some others.
Hector replied agreeably "Yup. Slept very well, and actually kinda long too, so that's good. What about you, how'd you sleep? How's your day so far?" His words were quiet and reserved as usual, but nonetheless it was clear he truly did care about her and Persepolis' well-being, even if the way he did so could be classified as shy by some others.
Persepolis replied honestly , "I didn't sleep any, I was out with Luna all night. My day has been great so far and it's even better now that you're here." She gave him a soft smile.

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