Life from the Parsonage - A Journal of our Journey.

OH I am soooo sorry.. my prayers to your family..
Arrived home last night...evening. The Rev. disappeared for a short while, and in he came carrying 30 RIR eggs. This will certainly keep my daughter busy....I have been busy taking down our Christmas tree and decorations.
Thank you for your lovely thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.
I've been to so many funerals, and helped, cried, and tried to comfort. There is simply no way...even though I know that my Dad made heaven, we just weren't ready to let him go. It was unexpected.
*Note- the last time the Rev. purchased eggs from this gentleman ALL the eggs were fertile! 100%
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I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my father after a long battle with cancer 2/15/01. I was relieved for his sake that his suffering was over but I still miss him terribly. You're never ready for your parents to go.


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