Life from the Parsonage - A Journal of our Journey.

Oh, Gwen it is so good to hear from you! Wish some of us lived closer as we would take your burdens off your shoulders for you. You must email me as soon as you have your results. I am praying for you daily as are many others.
Your little girl is doing very well. She has gained some independence this week now hasn't she? She will seem so grown up to you when you pick her up. She will talk your head off now won't she?

Let us hear from you after you finish up next week. We will all pray for you and yours.
Thank you.
I've been quoting for coupla weeks now the scripture the Lord gave me before my last surgery...(not my wrist).
Psalms 30:2
"O Lord my God, I cried unto thee, and thou hast healed me."

Thought perhaps someone else might need that scripture as much as I do.

I heard a song was beautiful...."Don't let me miss the Glory". It was moving, to say the least.

I'm currently listening to this station on the internet oh, it's called the Martins Radio...
Hope that works...

God is good, ALL the time.
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Back, tired, and piles and piles of laundry....

Just wanted to share a photo with you, my husbands graduation.
Will have final details Monday on my next doc. appt.
Will be a long day, Thank you for your prayers.

My hubby rushed to the hospital within 1 1/2 hours of arriving home. An elderly lady in our church fell at home, and she is in the ER...think a broken hip. :aww

Children are thrilled to be home, especially my alittle rough there at the end...."Mommy, when are you coming?"
She asked me this 27 times over the 27 phone calls I recieved from her on the trip up there....she finally fell asleep in the car.

Camp Meeting was good. I needed it.
I married a good man. Kind, gentle, loving, and apparently very patient, (if you listen to his side of things...
Well, got more laundry to do...did ya'll know tomorrow is SUNDAY?!!

This is our pastor appreciation month....I hear they have something cooked up...curious as to what it is....

Gwen Congrats to Hubby nice job there. I am sure you are exhausted with all the stress you are under. I am saying prayers and watching for your posts. I will add that lady who fell to my prayers. Hang in there.
Hi, Just got in. literally. Got lots of my family and friends waiting, and instead of staying on the phone...It has already been nonstop with just my mom and brothers and sisters...not to mention dear church folk...I told them to watch for an email.
I've been put on hold. I feel just as impatient as when they put me on hold on the phone.
I would rather not go into a lot of details, but here's what I can share with you.
There is lots of scar tissue and fibroid tumors covering up the "spot" that is worrying the doc.'s. Today, he said he felt we could wait one month and not just run right to surgery, which would cause more scarring, (continue the cycle) I am to take Vitamin E
(400 I.U.) 2 x's day, and Borage Oils Capsules 1 x daily for one
month, he said 'sometimes' this works to thin the scar tissue so we can see the cloudy area behind the tumors (fibroid, benign).
If he can see it we may not need surgery....just wait an see.
Please take this advice if anyone else is having problems met some ladies in the waiting room who were firm believers in this with their past experiences.
And it may or may not be cancer. I'm believing to be benign.
I am exhausted...we scheduled 3 dr.'s appt's today...with a lab before all that....and the day just lasted an lasted...then we stopped by the hosptial to visit with a dear lady who had indeed broke her pelvis. And I managed to pick up party decorations for my sons upcoming party.
So, I'm going to find a diet dr. pepper, prop my feet up....X that...going to crawl in the bed...I even have a magazine and a book to chose from.....
Please continue to keep me in your prayers, and thank you for all those you've sent up for me.
Chic chic is missing....this is our 'pet' chicken...
Good night ya'll
The Parsons Wife
Our dear Gwen, you know we all here on byc care about you and pray for you, each in their own beliefs/ways. Wish there was something I could do for you. Just know that when you are down or afraid, you are not alone, we are all there with you spiritually. You are in my thoughts many times a day.
I'm beginning hibernation.
School is soon to begin, again.
My son is in Kindergarten this year....not sure how that is possible, and my daughter, she skipped a grade, but none the less, she will be in fourth. And I myself will try to play catch up...I took the semester off when I broke my arm. Too much.
I'm not taking on a full load, but still working toward my degree.
At least I don't have to transfer again this year. I've had to transfer 4 times so far. Too much paperwork, and I'm always afraid they will lose some of my credit hours somewhere....
Chic chic is no more. Found feathers over behind the church. Found dog poo in the middle of them.

My pigs are definitely ruled out for now. I think I knew this, somehow I just ignored the warning signs...just wanted it so bad.
We are set for a fellowship meeting this Friday at our church. I've got to get over there an give it a good cleaning, the fellowship hall still has VBS items piled in a corner...

Son has developed a cold, daughter still has cough...she has a doc appt. in the morning...I really, really dislike trading doctors. Found the doctors I've met so far to be incompetent....did that sound ugly? You show them your daughters paperwork, explain very carefully all details of her history...and they have the gall to want to bring her in for just a cough? Hello....nearly 3's went from dry to wet...ugh...sorry...definitely ranting.
I sound disillusioned don't I? I'm not, not really.
I am happy. I am generally a nice person. And I really do help people. (Do you think I convinced anyone?)
I just saw and heard one of the sweetest sights in the world, and it was a treat. My husband sitting on the bed with the children around him reading them a bedtime book. I still had unfinished housework, and he volunteered. That will melt a heart.
My mom and one of my sisters called today, lots of chatter, little said, but that's the way I like it. I like for the sound of their small talk just to wash over me...sometimes I participate, sometimes I don't. My other sister just bought a house, saw it when we visited last time....I'm so covered with envy over the fireplace! It sits as a divider between the LR and Kitchen beautiful smooth creekbed rock...oh....
They are really enjoying living there. So glad for them. Been eyeballing the parsonage walls...wondering if I could fit a fake fireplace in somewhere....

I'm sure the Rev. will place that high up on his honeydo list....he he he....
We have had some of the loveliest days in a long time around, cloudy, rainy, and perfect....seems like fall is around the corner. I met my husband in the fall, and he and I both agree we feel more romantic during this season....isn't that silly? Yet, so many memories come back...we were married in the Spring...yet it's the fall we remember....
Well, school starts Monday, and I've got tons to do...(what's new)
Oh, OH.OH Let me tell you what I found a yardsale this past weekend... Hank the Cowdog...books 1-3! We are so excited! Our whole family loves to read them...I read them aloud to all of us...the Rev. himself will stop whatever he's doing to listen...we have shared so many laughs over the stories of his capors and his 'thinking'.
found several other I needed another pair...
but at 25 cents each....honey, it would have been a sin to walk away. The Rev. asked me where I was going to put them (our vehicle was loaded down) I told him if I had to carry them in my lap the whole way home...they were coming with me! Cute shoes!
He even found me some older books....he's knows my weakness, I love old books...yes, I know....where to put them?

Hey, he picked them up for's not my fault the end tables have stacks of books on top, beside the radio, bookshelves stuffed, and....never mind you get the picture. My dream home...would have a large library. With tons of space for my books...please no one show me pictures of their library...or I will have to spend way to much time down at the altar!
It's late enjoyed visitin with ya'll
Ya'll come
The Parsonswife

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