Life Happens- Mom's Health, My Health, and the man... **Update Pg 48**


This guy's taking you to meet his parents.
Ain't much more he can do than that to show interest. RELAX!

not to mention his family probably knows more about what he's thinking relationship wise than what he's shared with you... Sample phone conversation

mama -So Bubba J you bringing that nurse Miss T you been tellin me about
bubba J - I shore am, do you think I should wear the red suspenders or the yellar ones?
mama - Red Bubba J, you know that! It's the color of love
Bubba J - Don't you be whippin out 'dem baby pictures 'ma, that's embarassing
mama - well, she's gotta be tested somehow


Ok totally kidding Terrah, but you know what I mean. Deep breath, let it out, he just bared his soul to you. Well not really, but its as close as most guys get.
OK, if ya don't mind me asking how old is the potential bf? When was his last long term relationship? How long did it last? Or, relationship at all? He may be nervous about jumping into something if he just got out of something, or if his last one ended badly. Meeting his family is a big deal, so go and have fun, see what happens after the weekend.
Hey! thats awesome!! Go for it! Just relax and be friends first..(which you already are.. ).. dont get your hopes up too high and stress yourself out over it... just be friends and the rest will fall into place if its meant to be,...

OOh..and you KNOW that i need a pic...
You guys are great, and Joebryant and Boyd, I literally laughed out loud!

I spoke to our admitting clerk last night, who is like a mom to everyone in the ER- we all talk to her about everything- and she told me she asked him if we were an "item" and he said "We're working on it"

A note on his parents- His dad is a paramedic at a nearby hospital, and everyone I know of that has worked with him or knows him speaks very highly of him. And our one mutual friend grew up with him and says his mom is sweet as pie. So.... Now I'm nervous! But I'll definitely be going.

I'm kind of excited. He's super nice, and has always been there for me as a friend.

Is it normal for a grown woman to get that giddy schoolgirl feeling?

Oh, and Miss Red, I have some pics on my FB page, I'll find a good one to post here.
Go as friends! Nothing wrong in going.....I was one of those OLD maidens when hubby's sis brought me to meet her parents..........they were "homely" looking LOL! Father looked like an Amish while the mother looked rather stern looking (like the ones out of the old family pictures) and her face etched with sufferings in life she had. They were "strange" but glad my SIL was wonderful and hubby was "unique".

Have fun!
Is it normal for a grown woman to get that giddy schoolgirl feeling?


Love can be deaf, dumb and blind! (as my friend told me when I was dating my boyfriend (now hubby). How true that was! But the feeling was wonderful!

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