Life Happens- Mom's Health, My Health, and the man... **Update Pg 48**

You CAN do it!! Just be YOURSELF!! Dont force any conversations tonight if you d:thumbsupont think its the time...
Just be yourself and his friend!! The MOST important thing right now, is to have a good time with him!! The rest will follow if its supposed to...

smile pretty--its on!!
Am I the only one biting my fingernails waiting for the next installment??? LOL NOT!!! I have to say, that next to watchin' the chickens, this has been good down home entertainment...I feel like the "flly" on the wall and I'm pullin' for the good gals/guys!!!

OMG! I asked!

He was very straight foward and honest. I'm sooo happy I asked. He didn't say outright that he doesn't want a relationship. He said he didn't want a relationship in college because he feels it wouldn't be fair to me because he's so busy. I smiled and let him talk. He kept saying he doesn't want to say no and hurt my feelings, but he never felt he had the time to give fully in a relationship with all the clubs and work he does. I told him what PC mentioned to say and said that he is my best friend and many times I do have more feelings for him than just as a friend. I told him that I am always with him all the time as it is, and I couldn't ask for much more. I said that I really just wanted him to know how I felt so that I didn't have to keep guessing and if he ever wants to change his mind to let me know. I told him it was senior year and it might be fun to try it out a relationship. He said it is very possible he will end up changing his mind. I told him thanks for being honest and changed the subject to something about a class, then talked about a BBQ tomorrow on campus. Then I thanked him for driving me out to dinner tonight.

....Almost as soon as I get into my apartment he texts me to say that the sky is so pretty. I send a message saying that we should go sit out by the lake and look at the moon before it sets. He said he was going to see what was going on in his apartment with the guys, but he'd probably call me to go sit out there. So who knows...but now he knows!! OMG, I can take a deep breath. He actually seemed very willing to change his mind. So maybe, just maybe...I can expect something exciting to happen soon!
I have WHAT in my yard? :

Love isn't For the Chicken-Hearted!!

Makes me smile to visit this thread!

No it ain't and me too.

(just caught your post)​
I'm on stand by. Don't even get to work with the man tonight! What's up with that?
Don't these people know I have not seen him since freaking MONDAY?!?!??! SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!

But, we're still on for coffee in the morning, which if I don't get called in, I will be lookin' all fresh and hot, bright eyed and bushy tailed... And he will still be in his uniform
So I guess it's not all bad.

I can't wait to hear from Chickerdoodle!!!!
I am so not shutting this PC down until we get an update! This is so much more exciting than any TV show!!!
That is awesome!!! I know you have a big weight off your shoulders and at least the option is out there on the table! I will continue to pull for the best outcome for you both! WOW...isn't life just sometimes GRAND???
Well, see! Thats good news!! You did good..
Now just relax and be yourself... have FUN with him.(thats the most important thing!!).. and see what happens!
Ok, don't smack me CD but I want to smack him. He likes you. There is no doubt of that. However he is playing it safe and playing a little dumb. If he was my friend I'd be choking him right now.

Ok, I hate games but if I was you I'd play sorta dumb and not care. He knows you like him and he's trying to decide how to handle his feelings for you. This "no relationship in college" thing is BS. He's young and may be smart, but not experienced.

You did your part now let him do his. Relatiuonships, from first meeting to happily married are always whacked. Let it progress at God's pace (or the universe if that's your personal belief).

You did good CD. I'm really proud of you.
Breathe... Come here. Hold my hand. OK, breathe in and breathe out. Breathe in deep, hold it, 2,3,4 5.... breathe out. It's all good. Life is good.

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