Life Happens- Mom's Health, My Health, and the man... **Update Pg 48**

I wish I had advice for you CD.

Maybe PC will chime in with his infinite words of wisdom...
I wish I had advice for you CD.

Maybe PC will chime in with his infinite words of wisdom...

Some women use jealousy to their advantage. I suppose a little won't hurt. Trouble is that if he's not to confident in himself, too prideful, or sees through it, things may backfire. Too dangerous... I think we all know the difference between jealous joking and jealous manipulation.

As for Facebook well that's just life. It's the new internet.

It's getting time to just talk to him. Make it happen. Pull him aside and just ask him.

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Well, we had an awesome dinner at the neighbor's house, then watched a movie. Or well, they watched a movie, Christopher and I fell asleep, but what else could you expect cuddled up next to that big 'ol teddy bear?
Then I got a goodnight kiss, which will have to last me 'till Saturday again.

Dating a workaholic paramedic while being in school an hour away every day sucks sometimes.
Yeah his actions are definitely confusing me, but I'll give him a bit more time to mull it over. If I begin seeing him act protective, jealous, etc I'll definitely have a word with him. I already faced the biggest hurtle! I have no problem talking about anything now. However, I don't think he meant anything nasty by the way he acted, because he's really not that type of person.

I've already made it easy for him, and now he has to be the man and tell me what he wants to do. Hopefully he doesn't think I'll wait around for him forever! However, I did just tell him Friday, and I've only seen him a couple of times since then.
Good luck with that one Chickerdoodle! I've convinced that men are quite possibly the most complicated creatures on this earth. 2 weeks into this thing and I have decided to save what small shred of sanity I have left and STOP trying to figure them out. It's just goes against every law of the universe.

I'd say give him more time. Seems like they need alot of that. IMHO, you've done most all you can. The ball is in his court now, so to speak. Believe me, I know the waiting sucks!

By the way, I think this thread needs a new title. Something less "me" and more "us", since it's a group therapy type thing now. Got any ideas?
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LOL, and I've been told that women are the confusing ones! Yeah RIGHT!

I pulled out my old X-File seasons today, so I've been thinking about little else other than Mulder!
Of course there are about a bajillion other things I should be doing, but who needs that when you are comfy on the couch in your PJs!
First year - "Clean sheets"
Second year - "Get naked"
Third year - "Why are you naked?"

fourth year-"Seriously?-move it-Im tired!"

I love second year!!!

Year 18 - "Naked again???"

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