Life Happens- Mom's Health, My Health, and the man... **Update Pg 48**

Oh, I'm good, no worries. I've always got that paste-a-smile on when it needs to be!
PC- You are pretty great ya know
I myself am a straight-up kind of person but I hate hurting peoples feelings so my straight up personality often gets pushed back by my not wanting to hurt peoples feelings. In previous dating situations I had guys who I didn't want to date, I knew they wanted to date me, but I became good friends with them and now that I look back, I probably sent alot of mixed emotions and signals to them because I didn't want to say "No, I don't want to date you", it sounds harsh, lol.

Iowa - I'll definatly put you in my prayers tonight
Once a friend crosses into the "I like you more" category things can get very complicated and it's hard on both people. On the other hand it seems the best relationships start out as friendships or at least the foundation is built on a friendship. I dunno.
pfftttt!!!!!! this coming from the man who dropped a tree on the clothes line, no? HA!

I've been married almost 20 years and there are times, well, let's just say I do need to encourage my husband to at least put on sweats when tearing though the fields, gun in hand, after the coyotes.
Karma hates us both. It's pouring rain, he's on another transfer to Iowa City, and the nurse just called and said that mom's bp is crap over crap. I'm going back to the hospital to study until they figure out what they will do with her. Remember how I said I just wanted a hug? Didn't get it. Now I just want to crawl under a rock and cry
Naw, it's just God teaching you patience.

We're all huggin ya!

Patience I can handle ok, but I'm just about out of energy. I want to sleep, but as I sit here reading by flashlight, trying to focus on reading while counting mom's respirations and watching the IV drip, I wonder how much longer I have before I do crawl under a rock and cry. I have to be up at 0600, I have to drive an hour, I have to be in class on time and be prepared, bright eyed and bushy tailed. Then I look at mom, curled up, in pain, and feel horribly guilty for even thinking of those things. She is the one with the disease, she is the one struggling, she is the one in pain. I would gladly trade her places, but instead I worry if I will get any sleep tonight. How pitiful and selfish am I?

And yet, life goes on.
Naw, it's just God teaching you patience.

We're all huggin ya!

Patience I can handle ok, but I'm just about out of energy. I want to sleep, but as I sit here reading by flashlight, trying to focus on reading while counting mom's respirations and watching the IV drip, I wonder how much longer I have before I do crawl under a rock and cry. I have to be up at 0600, I have to drive an hour, I have to be in class on time and be prepared, bright eyed and bushy tailed. Then I look at mom, curled up, in pain, and feel horribly guilty for even thinking of those things. She is the one with the disease, she is the one struggling, she is the one in pain. I would gladly trade her places, but instead I worry if I will get any sleep tonight. How pitiful and selfish am I?

And yet, life goes on.

Not selfish at all...just human.

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