Life Happens- Mom's Health, My Health, and the man... **Update Pg 48**

Live with that in mind and you'll be happy. Guys are NEVER EVER on the clue bus when it comes to what you want or think. You gotta help the poor fools out with very clear and concise statements like:

Honey, I need you to DO xxxx right now.
Honey, if you touch that (nibble that, steal that, taste that) you'll have a cleaver take off a digit.
Honey, I feel like xxx right now, so I need you to do xxxx.
Honey, leave the seat up again for my bare cheeks to hit cold porcelain in the early am again and you wont need to stand no more...
No honey, xxx tool does not qualify for a household necessity. That would be my new kitchen xxx...
Darling, put on some clothes, you're scaring the neighbors...

When none of those work, my family is used to general "health and safety",

"This is a health and safety announcement folks: The person who thought it wise to disassemble the tractor engine on the dining room table had better move it or forfeit dinner." A heath and safety announcement usually moves all the males in the household into action in a general butt covering maneuver. No confession of guilt, just helping each other out...

Guys are clueless. I love having mine around and we often have very intelligent conversations, but if you're thinking/feeling something, I can guarantee you they are not unless it's attached to:

food, sleep and their other most favored activity.
I find myself laughing alot these days, PC. I've just decided that I had a bad week last week. But hey, we're all entitled to one of those once in a while

Have I mentioned, I just love you guys...

but I loooove YOU!

Totally off topic, but I want y'all to know that the low for tonight is supposed to be 43*. I have my bedroom window wide open with a fan in it. This makes me happy
I plan on going home, taking a nice long shower, putting clean sheets on my bed, and crawling in and covering up to my nose.

You people need to sit down. All y'all....

He actually called me this morning.
We've ironed out the details for next weekend. We're going to Oktoberfest. Soooooo excited!

Totally off topic, but I want y'all to know that the low for tonight is supposed to be 43*. I have my bedroom window wide open with a fan in it. This makes me happy
I plan on going home, taking a nice long shower, putting clean sheets on my bed, and crawling in and covering up to my nose.


You wanna know what's got me all tingly? Next week is opening season.. and the deer are using all the trails and firing lanes I cut. Gonna hang a tree stand tommorow
ahh shaky butt dance --rock it girl!!!!! way to gooo have a fabulous fantastic time---

on another note how is your mom doing???
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Mom is doing better, blood pressure has finally leveled out at an acceptable range. She seems to be in fair spirits, though I know she wants out of there. In fact, I'm headed over there now...

Then after that I've been invited to a "movie marathon"
I'm so super excited!

ETA: Movies have been postponed. Work called
He's going in "for a couple of hours" to cover someone. How much do you wanna bet he'll end up on a 4 hour transfer? Oh well, gotta love those paramedics!
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Well, I brought up to my friend that I was upset he had ditched me after dancing last Thursday and he got real defensive and upset. I've never seen him so upset. I told him we should talk later that night to figure it out, as I told him on the phone and he was at work (part time school work, didn't have much to do today). So my girlfriend asked me to go with her to the boys' (her boyfriend and my friend) intramural soccer game. I knew he'd be there but I went anyways. I wanted to talk to him in person so I could get it off my chest. I pulled him aside before they went up to their apartment. He was reluctant at first, but came over. Very calmly I told him I was upset but wanted to hear his side of the story. He said he thought he had told me why he went in the other car, but I told him he didn't. He apologized for that. I told him it hurt me to feel like he was ditching me, especially because his two friends were upset in the car and it made for a very awkward ride. He mentioned he had no idea I would be that upset about it. I told him life's too short to be mad, so in my mind, I was walking away as his friend, not an enemy no matter how he felt afterwards. He agreed and I felt much better. The situation was still a weird one, but I'll just keep a part of my mind on the alert if he ever does it again. I'm a pretty forgiving person when I can talk it out with someone and see their reaction. In his mind, he was telling the truth. I'm hoping this situation makes him more aware about his actions, but only time will tell. If he does pull something like that again, there won't be any peaceful talking! I'll just walk away. This time it seemed like a misunderstanding, so I'm hoping that's all it was.

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