Life Happens- Mom's Health, My Health, and the man... **Update Pg 48**

CD--I think he is just DENSE! Very inexperienced in many ways -thus, causing him to stick to his comfort zone. Did he say anything abotu dating or anything???
Nah, never said anything about dating yet. My girlfriend keeps joking that we are already fighting like a dating couple. LOL, I'm glad we were able to mostly work it out though. He was upset I didn't tell him friday, and I probably should have told him sooner but after I got word my friend died, that whole situation was just put on the backburner. I told him that and he understood. Last night we all went out for tacos and he sat near me, and I definitely noticed he was paying attention to ME and not the other people around. I liked that. Then he drove me back to my apartment and we were fine in the car. Perhaps my words about him ditching me got him thinking anyways. It seems like everything was a misunderstanding. Hopefully there was no disrespect there on his part, but I'm willing to forgive.

I'm just gonna play it slow from now on. We'll see what the next few weeks bring.
Hang in there CD, no matter what happens, I know you'll come out on top!
Communication is getting better here. We've got plans for Oktoberfest Friday and Sunday, and then I told him I want to cook him dinner on Monday- if he's brave enough to try it
I'm thinking enchiladas, tacos, and spanish rice or homemade cheddar bacon potato soup. Either way, I'm so excited! It's tough to cook for one person, now I can cook for two and leave the leftovers with him

Things are looking up again. I hope this rollercoaster is over, I'm finally beginning to get comfortable in this relationship!
Yay! Just in time for hunting season! Love ya Terrah,

Thanks, Buff
I love ya right back!

In other news, I just got 99/100 on my nursing 205 test yesterday.
Got a patho test today, I hope I can do just as well

How's things in your world, CD?
Yay! Just in time for hunting season! Love ya Terrah,

Thanks, Buff
I love ya right back!

In other news, I just got 99/100 on my nursing 205 test yesterday.
Got a patho test today, I hope I can do just as well

How's things in your world, CD?

Woot for good grades! I wish our teachers would get ours back so quickly! I have a test Friday, then three all in a row at the end of next week. This will NOT be fun!

Everything else is ok. I still feel bummed over having an argument with my friend. I know I was justified in being upset, but I hate drama sooo much. Though I know if I didn't bring anything up to him, I would feel even more like crap because I was under the impression he ditched me. I just wanna get it off my mind! Plus my head's so full with everything I have to do for school. At least I finished my essays!

I'm looking forward to this weekend though. A couple of friends and I are going camping, then hopefully at some point to an IMAX theatre to see Legends of the Guardians. I'm trying to fit apple picking in somewhere too! It will be a busy weekend and sometime in between all this other stuff I have to finish the pile of homework that's waiting for me! Oh college!
Oh I feel your pain.
Communicating isn't Chris' strong point
Must be a man thing. I'm glad you went through with your plans and stuck to your guns.

And yeah, about college and busy weekends... I'm going to get back to town Friday after class, shower and get ready to meet Chris, head to a friends house 'till I have to go into work Friday night 11PM-7AM. After work, I'm going to sleep some before I have to get up and tend animals, do housework and laundry, then head back to work Saturday night from 7PM-7AM. Then after work Sunday morning I have a SNA breakfast, then home to nap before getting up around noon and heading out of town with Chris for the afternoon and evening. Then it's up at 6AM Monday morning to start it all over again.

Busy or not, I'm loving life right now, and learning a most crucial life skill throughout all of this....

Well it's Thursday night and I'm going out dancing again. It will be the last time for awhile because my crazy test weeks will be starting soon! My friend will be there, but I'm going with some girlfriends this time so I won't have any obligations except to them! I intend to have a blast on the dance floor, and I'm gonna wear a skirt with boots and my cowgirl hat. I have such a busy night, I can hardly wait! I'm hoping the rain holds out tomorrow because I'm going camping with some friends, then hopefully to the IMAX theatre saturday night and possibly apple picking Sunday. So Terrah, this weekend, I gotta agree with your sig line!

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