Life Happens- Mom's Health, My Health, and the man... **Update Pg 48**

From ER staff to ER patient- the continuum of stupid:

Well, I volunteered to work last night, and about 0600 this morning, we had a code come in by private car. Well, as I'm running around the corner on the way to the cardiac room (to get the cot) I rolled my ankle, and fell, right in front of God and everyone. I can't walk, and the house supervisor- who happened to be right there- made me fill out a variance and get checked out. So 2 hours after my shift was supposed to be over and a few x-rays later, I get to leave. They say it's not fractured, but it hurts like nobody's business. I had to drive home (my left foot, but I drive a stick) and I cried all the way. I have never had a sprained ankle, only torn ligaments which required a cast, and a fracture. Pretty sure this hurts just as darn bad.

Want to know the worst part? I feel like the biggest idiot in the world. All I wanted to do is crawl under a rock and die. I'm really some kind of stupid.
It happens to all of us at some point.
I am such a cluts at times, hubby is afraid to leave me by myself, I'm always gashing myself on something, tripping over something, knocking heads with the horses etc....
You will heal up and life will go on. Chalk it up as one of lifes little lessons about running in the hallways. Keep it elevated and stay off of it as much as possible. I wish you the best in your recovery.
A bad sprain is just that - BAD. People can have minor sprains and they tend to think that sprain means no big deal. DH sprained his ankle a few years back and it was a mess! He was on crutches and in physical therapy for quite a while.

I know this is the last thing you need added to your stress level right now!!

Take care of yourself and the ankle trying to push it will just make the healing take longer!
It hurts less to break your danged ankle than sprain it!!!! I can attest to that. I was laid up for 4 weeks with a REALLY BAD sprained ankle years ago. It took the bruises more than 3 months to heal.
It happens. I fell off a Ferris wheel in front of a guy I was out with while getting out. That was great.
I laughed it off, but I had a big nasty bruise for a couple of weeks!
Well, duh..... wear your fishing camo---------you are fishing for a date?......right? And just act yourself, no need to disguise anything. (or is there?)
All you can really do about it is laugh..
Cause honestly its funny! (not the getting hurt part of course!) Everyone falls.. Sometimes its in front of people sometimes not.

Just a few weekends ago I watched my sister run down a huge hill and take a nice spill in front a few good people, she laughed it off and everyone forgot about it.
I took a spill down a hill when I was younger and broke my wrist.
A friend of mine was running down a hill a few weekends ago and fell between land and a dock into the water...

Falling happens

If it makes you feel better I was dancing around my living room and when I went into a spin I smacked right into a part of a wall that sticks out. No one saw it but my two year old son and no one knows except people who read it hear...
I laughed at myself and went back to dancing

Hope you ankle feels better soon! I konw its not fun
I just want to say that there is nothing more useless than a wife with a broken leg, and I strongly advise any man who happens to end up with one to have her put down immediately. Anne broke her ankle once, and I had to bring in take out several times and even had to try washing clothes in that washing machine. NEVER AGAIN!

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