Life Happens- Mom's Health, My Health, and the man... **Update Pg 48**

Ouch! That looks really sore..
When you do do it well!
You are a wise woman. I did a similar thing to my right ankle years ago. Drove as far as the hospital parking lot, said to myself..."self, this is not worth an emergency room visit"...turned around and went home. Suffered with it for weeks. It looked just like yours. Years later, broke my left ankle, went to the ER, had a cast put on, had surgery with pins and plates, did physical therapy, and did everything the docs told me to do. To this day, they both hurt, occasionally give out, and cause me pain. I guess the point is d______ if you do and the same if you don't, although I have to admit the one that the docs treated hurts less now.
Iowa Roo Mom, take care of yourself. My wife had a similar injury. In four or five months she was good as new. Only gets occasional pain and swelling. Hopefully your recovery will be similar. Chickerdoodle, your Dad is right. The guy has no class. He doesn't sound like either friend or boyfriend material. I've never met you, but just from reading your postings I think you deserve better!
Well guys, I feel like a used piece of poop. I found out tonight that everything I thought about my friend and this other girl were true. Tonight, right after texting me asking for a ride to Target sometime during the week, I found out he texted the other girl to go with him to the homecoming ball this saturday. Now I know for a fact he lied to me about ditching two thursdays ago and it hurts so much to know I've been used as a friend. I'm not even upset about him liking this girl, just upset that I've lost a friend. He could have been honest and I would not be upset. I know he's liked other girls in the past and it never bothered me. I guess this time he thought I just didn't deserve the truth
Apparently she said yes to him about going to the osprey ball and I will also be there. My room mate will be going with me but I need advice on how to make it as least awkward as possible.

I want to handle this whole thing like an adult. I will NOT stoop to their level. I'm quite upset that he lied and "used" my friendship. He has no idea that I know any of this and honestly, I don't even feel like talking to him anymore. How do I go about that without seeming like I'm ignoring him or avoiding out of spite? I don't want to look jealous, or witchy, or anything else other than my confident self. Unfortunately, I run with similar friends as he does and I am in a class with him. I will still have to interact whether I like it or not.

So yes, I have to move on and not because of the girl. I don't tolerate liars well at all. Intentional or not, you do not ditch your friends and make it out to be my fault for not understanding what was going on. Grr!
aw no
that sucks.. well i wouldn't think u can stop talking to him full stop.. just be civil and talk when needed ive had to do that quite alot when ive found out someone lied to me.. i too donot tolerate liars well.. all you can really do about the ball... is go there and have a great time

and if i were you id explain to him that he has hurt you by lying to you.. etc..


Well.. this is what i would do if i were you...
I'd act like its no big deal.. totally act like nothing is wrong... go to the ball and have a BLAST with your friends... laugh and smile and just be YOURSELF...
If he talks to you... be polite to him... keep your conversations short and sweet... and most imortantly.. SMILE.. right in his face... dont let him think hes got you down!!

And.. if he is still calling you... i'd not answer your phone all the time... but i'd pick it up sometimes... and talk to him for a few seconds.. then say.. "ooh sorry, i cant talk right now, i'm crazy busy right now..... i'll talk to you later or something.. bye!" or something like that...
And whatever you do.. do NOT be bringing him to target or anyplace else!!! Dont let him use you!! Just tell him that you are busy that day or something...

Keep your chin up kiddo... the RIGHT guy IS out there for you.. trust me... just trust me...

ETA.. and i would NOT get into the whole, you lied to me and hurt my feelings thing...
Because he KNEW what he was doing... and it didnt bother him then.. it surely wont REALLY bother him now.. will it?....
DONT give him the SATISFACTION of letting him see that he bothered you at all... (remember..SMILE..SMILE..SMILE.. right in his face..)
Think of him as a piece of crap on the bottom of your shoe... wipe him off and move on with happy things in your life! You deserve better and you know it..
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Thanks Redhen. He kept trying to get ahold of me this morning, but then would just be stupid and try to joke around if I responded back. I know I probably shouldn't have but I finally just asked what the heck was up with him and this other girl. Boy, did he get defensive! Told me a I was judging everything in his life, and having mood swings, and he was gonna forget me. I gotta admit I laughed! Haha...seemed a bit much of a reaction for such a simple question! So yes, I do believe he is GUILTY of everything and I am now officially done with that chapter of my life. It's a shame I had to lose a friend who I always thought was a good one. Apparently, he is just not mature enough to tell me the truth. BUT, I am lucky to have so many other friends who I have fun with and who care about me.

There are a few other friends I think I have to distance myself from as well. Lately when I go somewhere with them, I just don't have fun. It's the same pack of friends that my "friend" is friendly with. No sense in hanging around with people who drag you down! I'll just think of it as...Fall cleaning LOL.

Thanks guys. By the end of the year, this will just be another memory tucked away in the back of my head!

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